[To rns Emma or rag " Sescrssoa."] SIR,—" Scotsman," writing in last week's Spectator, says that it makes his blood boil to see half-a-dozen stalwart young Irish harvesters in England. What would he say if he had the mis- fortune to live in a Nationalist part of Irelarid? in this neigh- bourhood there is not an eligible,Uniinist left—all have joined the Army in one way or another. But every Sunday immense gatherings of the Gaelic Athletic Association take place, at which dozens of stalwart young Nationalists may be seen amongst the competitors, and hundreds more amongst the spectators. The proceedings usually end with some violent political speeches and the singing of " A Nation Once Again." The local Nationalist papers, which report these meetings with pride, also contain reports of the meetings of local Nationalist bodies, such as Boards of Guardians, where resolutions are passed pledging all Nationalists to resist conscription by force, and demanding the immediate release of the " political prisoners." But from first to last not a word is said about the war.—I am, Sir, &c., AN IRISH UNIONIST.