4 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 24



don't know if you are aware of the fact that there are millions of members of the British Empire constantly praying to the great Pawei in the universe which is working for righteous- nes; and which we have been taught to call God that peace will not come until the canker of the drink traffic has been out out of the heart of the Empire (the British Isles). It is considered better that the youth of the Empire should be cut down on the battlefield, and should continue to be cut down for five or ten years and longer if necessary, rather than that peace should be made and the Empire heart still be clogged with ouch a disease.

Cannot you join us in these thoughts am, Sir, &c., P.3.—I have been reading the Spectator from cover to cover every week since 1892, and it has always followed me in my travels over the world. It is the sanest periodical published in the world, and grips men and movements in the independent manner that men admire. Your " Down Glasses during the War " was admir- able. What a power you would be if your attitude towards the drink traffic was a little different in peace times. Cannot you be induced to throw your whole mighty weight into the movement to abolish the bar in the British Isles?—J. F. M.

[We admire our correspondent's courage, though we do not agree with his policy. Our war policy is " Down Glasses." Our peace policy is purchase of the liquor interests of all kinds by the State—i.e., the elimination of all private profit in the sale of intoxicants. The State, as the one and only salesman of liquor, would make no effort to extend or develop the trade, but would not prevent purchase by individuals who desired to consume in- toxicants. If, however, the State were to be petitioned by a sufficiently preponderating majority of the inhabitants in a particular area not to give facilities of purchase within that area, such a petition should be acted on automatically. — ED. Spectator.]