Sia,—An embarrassing flood of letters has come upon me as the result of the inquiry I made in the Spectator three weeks ago about the Limericks on Exeter College and on Jesus College, Oxford. Some of the letters are pathetic; for the writers are sad, thinking of the days that are no more. That memory is a fickle jade is shown by the numerous versions given of the Limericks on each College. The Jesus freshman is " proud," " tall," " shy," " rude"; but substantially the Jesus Limerick is as it was given in the Spectator of October 21st. The authentic Exeter verse seems to be as follows (though here again there are slight variations, " rude " for t" cool," and "scholar " for "Fellow ") :— " There was a cool Fellow of Exeter Who kissed a young lady and vexed her, But soon she came round And presently found That she liked that cool Fellow of Exeter."
May I thank all my genial correspondents?—I am, Sir, &c.,