4 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 9

State Policy in Irish Education, 1536-1816. By the Rev. T.

Cor- coran, D.Litt. (Longman% and Co. 6s. not.)—The Professor of Edu- cation in the National University has printed a series of documents illustrating the chequered history of Irish education, hampered for centuries by racial, linguistic, and religious differences. The first of them is Henry VIIL's admonition to Galway "that every inhabitaunt within the aside town indevor theym self° to speke Englyshe," and it is characteristic. Roman Catholic schools were long forbidden by • The Emmons& Lila of s Bawl Distrid : s Study. By J. C. Jack, LC.% Oxford 81 the Clarendon Press. (7s. bd. net.]

law, but a return of 1731 to the Irish House of Lords showed that there were at least five hundred and forty-nine such schools ; in some dioceses they were tolerated, but in others they were suppressed, as far as possible. Dr. Corcoran's historical introduction, written from the Roman Catholic standpoint, is instructive, but the documents tell their own tale.