CHESS by Philidor
No. 307. L. CEaratsu (Die Schwalbe, 1939) WHITE to play an mate in two moves, solution next week. Solution to No. 306 (Michel): Kt - 0 51 no threat. r . . KxP; 2R-R4 (set R - B 4). s.. K-B 3; 2 QxKt
(set B -Q 5). . Kt (Kt 7) any ; z Q - B 4. I Kt x Kt; 2 B -B 5 !LACK (8 men 2 Qx Kt. Note interchange of pin-mates between set and actual play in the first two variations.
This week's game shows a clash between two of the best and most imaginative attacking players of their respective generations in this year's British champion- ship; on this occasion youth triumphed but-as
Milner-Barry demonstrated in other games at Sunder- land-this was not always the case.
White, N. LrmEwoon Black, P. S. MILNER-BARRY Opening, QUEEN'S GAMBIT ACCEPTED (British Championship, Round 2 ; Sunderland, 1966) 2 1;7-81 P - Q 4 1 3 4 P x P
Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3
4 Kt - B 3 P-QR3 A very brave line to play against Littlewood; after the present game I feel doubtful whether the attack can be defended-if it cannot, then I am not sure just what Black should do. The alternatives are P - K 3. P - II 3, P - B 4 and B - B 4-none wholly satisfactory. 5 P-K4 Kt 4
6 P - K 5 Kt - Q 4
7 p_ QR4 Kt X Kt White can always force this by P x P, but it might be better for Black to delay the capture until he does; but if the capture is delayed Black must also reckon with Kt - K 4.
8 PxKt B-Kt2
9 P - K 6! PxP 9...P- 133 has been tried without
• B - K Q - Q.4 11 B - K 3 Kt - Q 2
rs Kt - Kt 5! Qx Kt P 13 R-KB1 0 - 0 - 0
14P x P P x P KtxKP Q - Q4 16 Kt - Kt 5! . . . much better than Kt xK after which
White would have little attack and, with two pawns for the exchange, Black's game would be quite satisfactory.
• . . . Kt - B 3 Nothing better.
17 B - B 3 Q - K B 4
re R- R7? . . . This however is too ambitious; now he should be contest with IS BxB K xB; tp Kt - B R-Q 21 20 Kt x R and White wins e.g. 20 ... P-K 3; 21 R-K Kt t I, Kt -K 3,22 - B 2 61110Wed by Q - R SOT 20...P-K 4; 21 113-K1 I, XQth(21...P-K 5:22Q- R 3);z2RxQ,P- 3; 23 P xP and the extra material wins. 16 . . . fix BP Missing his chance; after IS. . . 13 - Q 4! Black's well centralised position will enable him to hold the game. An instructive exception to the rule that exchanges help the defender.
so Kt x B K - Kt
so R - R5! Kt - Kt 5 White threatened 21 Kt - K 5, Q stKt; 22 PxQ,R xQ eh; 23 K xR, Kt move; 24 R xP ch winning. If 2o P - 13 3; then 210 • 13 and Black can no longer defend Q R a by 0- Q 4. 21 Kt - K 5! Qs:RI 21 . . . Kt xKt; 22 RxP ch. K - B ; 23 R x Kt and Black cannot play 23 . . . Q xR? because of 24 Q - Kt 4 Ch! 2:1 Q KtS . . . no: 22 P s'Q? R xQ eh; 23 K xR, Kt Y. B ch; 24 P x Kt, P - lii.
Q-2 4 • K - Q 21
P- 4
14 R-Q Kt r! . . . 551'hite plays the attack very well-he wants to cut off the B Q from Q It i before paying R - R i. :4 • • f2657 BUR .61e'- fichR KPK- -Q1511331 Q-1:5 27 ... 1.3?; 28 QxP ch, K- K 3; 29 R - K a ch.
28 P K - 34
29 R - Q 7 ch B - 3 30 R x ch! . . . Simple and decisive. winning a piece. The game finished 3o ... R x13; 31 Q Q eh, K x Q; 32 B x R, R-Q r; 31 B-B 5. R-Q 2; 34 K-K 2!, R-K B 2; 35 K - R 7,12 xR; 36 B R, P - Kt 4; 37 P - B 3 ch, K - B 5;
38 B - Kt 8 ch, K - 13 4; 39K - K Resigns. A splendid struggle.