r. Hat for a pilgr:mage to Southend? ,6)
4. It takes a big chap to do rep parts in reverse (8) 8. Reassuring chat from best man to bridegroom? (8) to. 4 at work has fun coming back (6) 12. Home of the Westerns (5 13. Hardy tree from Shakespeare (9)
14. Put the couch just to the right, no further t 2, 3)
16. Brave kind of family tree? (5-4) 17. This Jane made an amazing marriage (9) 19. Old headpieces can hold their liquor (5) 21. He is a conventional lover (9) 22. Open the dance with spirit (5) 24. Pomegranates can be put in a cup (6)
25. Make a song about clothes and you'll get bad language (8) 26. But the twain obviously have met, pace Kipling! (8)
27. More than just good, this punter (6) DOWN
r. Assyrian ones were gleaming in purple and gold (7) 2. Muster in a little bay to the north (5)
3. Not that the dog's name implies that he will leave you! (7)
5. Mark the thousand having a word in opposition (7)
6. They put up in favour of machines (9) 7. Is this all that's left? (7 9. A flower for Atropos (to) it. Flowery indication of time for elevenses down on the farm? (4-6) 15. Transtamarite to a Cornishman? (9)
17. It is altogether like a chef's hat (3-1-3).
18. Delicate shades in the nun case (7) 19. Flowers for rough times? (7) 20. Stick it, Sergeant! (7)
23. Tom is inclined to be a bit wet! (5)
Solution next week