4 OCTOBER 1845, Page 10


On the 10th September, at Gibraltar, the Wife of Joseph London Bosch, Esq., and daughter of Colonel Michell, R.A., C B., of a son.

On the 23d, at Nonsuch Park, Surrey, the Lady of W. F. Gamul Farmer, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 24th, in Rutland Square, Dublin, the Lady of Dr. White, Inspector-General of Prisons, Sm., of a daughter.

On the 25th, at Willey Rectory, Warwickshire, the lady of the Rev. Frederick Morgan, Of a son.

On the 27th, at Ashburnham House, Chelsea, the Hon. Mrs. Lelcester Stanhope, of a Son • On the 27th, In Upper Gloucester Street, Dublin, the Right Hon. Lady Adelaide Web- ber, of a son.

On the 29th, at West Monckton, Somerset, Lady Ochterlony, of a daughter.

On the 29th, at Sharavogne, Ring's County, the Hon, Mrs. Westenra, of a son, who survived his birth a short time.

On the 29th, at Wellingborough, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Codrington, Cold- D:ream Guards, of a son.

On the 1st October, at the Vicarage, Almondsbury, the Lady Emilie Gray, of a daughter.

On the let, at Ewell, Surrey, the lady of the Rev. Sir George L. Glyn, Bart, of a daughter, still-born.

On the 2d, at New Ormond Street, the Wife of Henry Mills, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law, of a son.

Lately, at Orchehill House, Bucks, Lady Charlotte Blount, of a daughter.


On the 13th September, at the residence of the British Minister, Berne, Switzerland, Miss Hardinge, eldest daughter of the Governor-General of India, to Major Arthur Cunyngluone, son of Sir David Cunynghame.

On the 24th, at Guernsey, Cother Frederick Mann, Esq., Royal Engineers, to Margaret Maclecl Baynes, eldest daughter of the late Lieut.-Colonel Baynes, Royal ArtiPery.

On the 241h, at Booierstown Church, the Rev. Thomas O'Regan, S.T.C.D., Donning ton Parsonage, ShiEnall, Salop, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Bateman, Esq., Oak Park, County Kerry.

On the 26th, at Letchworth, Herta, George Lawrence Herbert Gall, Esq., Captain In the Fifth Madras Cavalry, eldest son of the late Lieut.-Colonel Gall, of the Eighth elengal Cavalry, to Georgians Arabella Caldecot; only daughter of the late Right Rev. Dr. James, Bishop of Calcutta.

On the 30th, at Horneasile, the Rev. John Fawssett, M.A., Rector of Waddingwortb, to Frances, eldest daughter of the Rev. J. B. Smith, D.D., Rector of Martin and Sotby, and Head Master of Horncastle Grammar School.

On the 30:4, at Thorndon Hall, Essex, the Hon. Charles Hugh Cliflbrd, eldest son of the Right Hon. Lord Clifford, to the Hon. Agnes Petre, daughter of the Right Hon- Lord and Lady Petre.

On the 2d October, at St. John's, Holloway, the Rev. H. T. C. Hine, M.A., of Corpus Chr.ett Coll., Cambridge, and Rector of Quarrington, Lincolnshire, to Mary, daughter f the late John Metbley, Esq., of Hornsey Lane, Mindlesex.

On the 2d, at St. Diary's, Southwark, Hugh Kinnaird, Esq., of Farnham Royal, toMss Halliday, of Ripley, Surrey.

On Cie 2d, at Shanklin, Isle of Wight, the Rev. Richard Palairet, Vicar of linrion St. Map's, &menet, to Emily, eldest daughter or John Campbell, Cameron, Reg.,-of Shanklin.


On the 16th May, at North Shore, Sydney, Australia, ITS. Jatidi Tegg, third son of Mr. Tegg, of Cheamdde ; in his 37th year.

On the 25th June, at Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope, Alan, only son of Rear-Ad miral the Hon. Joeceline Percy, C.B. ; in his 20th year.

On the 14th July, at Fort William, Calcutta, the Hon. Captain H. Stapleton, Fiftieth Regiment; in his 31st year.

On the 23d September, at Palgnton, Devon, John Ansley, Esq., formerly Lord Mayor of London ; In his 72d year.

On the 23d, at the Vicarage, East Mailing, Kent, the Rev. Sarauelirrancia Godirtend, M.A. ; in his 72d year. He was Vicar of East Mailing for forty years.

On the 25th, at Langton House, N. B., the Dowager Marchioness of Breadalbane. On the 25th, Sir Charles Gordon of orimmin, Secretary to the Highland Society ; In his 53d year. On the 26th, at Ely Lodge, County of Fermanagh, the Marquis of Ely; in hie 76th year.

On the 26th, Captain John Norton, R.N., of Beauvoir Town, Ringsland ; in his lath year.

On the 27th, at Walton House, Warwickshire, Sir John Mordaunt, Bart., M.P.; in his 37th year.

On the 27th, at Lewisham, Captain Thomas Jones, R.N. ; in his 00th year.

On the 28th, in Hyde Park Terrace, Emily Octavia, daughter of the Hon. Charles Ewan Law, M.P., Recorder of London ; in her 19th year.

On the 29th, in Norris Street, Haymarket, Captain J.O. D'Urban, R.N.

On the 30th, at the Vicarage, Dawlish, the Rev. J. D. Perkins, D.D., Vicar of dist palish, and Rector of Memhead, Devon, and of St. Lawrence, Exeter ; in his 81st year, On the 1st October, atWiseton Hall, Nottinghamshire, Earl Spencer ; in his 63d year.