4 OCTOBER 1845, Page 11


AusivEn—At Gravesend, 29th Sept. Charles Jones, Clarkson, from-China r 30th, Oriental, 3PFie, from China ; and Isabella, Myth, Lane, from Mauritius ; 1st Oct. Prince of Wales, Wilson, from Calcutta ; E. Lancaster, Bakes; and Skipton, Johnson,. from Ceylon; and Anu Grant, Foreman, from Sydney; 24 Oct. Agincourt, Reathy. from Ceylon. In time Downs, 2t1 Oct. St. Vincent, Young, from China ; Semiramla, Cairnie from Mhnila ; and Maid of Mona, Atkinson, fromtheCape. Off Plymouth,. 28th Sept. Anthony, Klomp, from Batavia. At Bristol, 29th. Sept Ennerdale, Bonet% from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 28th Sept. Vanguard, Walker, from China ; 1st Oct. Ganges, Cleverly, from Bombay ; and Echo, Dunlop, from the Cape. In the Clyde, 25th September, Mountstuart Elphinstone, Pook, from Bombay. At St: Helena, 5th Aug. Assam, Currie, from Calcutta. AS Mauritius, 22d Jana, St„. George, Wright, from the Clyde. At Bombay, previous to 26th Aug. Albyn, Walker,;. and Gilmore, Maw, from London ; Bella Marina, Wood ; and Emperor, Jones, from Liverpool. At Madras, 9th Ditto, Minerva, Geere, from London. At Calcutta, pre- vious to 14th Aug. Candahar, Ridley ; and John Bibby, Cawkett, from London; Cie. mini, Benny ; London, Michael ; and Fatima, Wilson, from Liverpool ; Mandarin,: Cleland ; and Flora Kerr, WEidder, from the Clyde. SAILED—From Gravesend, 1st Oct. Windsor, Truscott, for Calcutta. From Liver- pool, 2d Ditto, Lena, Neagle, for Singapore ; and Sir Henry Pottinger, IPWean, for Calcutta. SATURDAY MORNING.—ARRIYHD—AL Gravesend, 3d Oct. Varuua,. Mold, from Cal- cutta. In the Downs, ditto, Rajah, Fergusson, from Port Philip ; Bermudian, —, from Calcutta ; Africa, Hart, from Ceylon ; and Charles Carter, Broad, from the Cape. At Calcutta; 16th Aug. Duke of Cornwall, Whitehead, from London ; and 17th, Mary Aim, Culling, from Bristol. At Madras, 16th ditto, Thoodosis, Irving, from Liver- pool. The Maid of Athens, llews, from Sydney to Hung-kong, was wrecked near Booby Island, 31st May.