The operations of the the week in the English Funds have been so similar in character to those of the last, that our remarks then made might be almost re- peated verbatim here. The transactions for the Account have been fbw and unimportant: in Money business, individual sales have predominated, and the chief support of the market has been found in the purchases made by the Govern- ment-broker on account of the Sinking-find and the Savings-banks; those for the latter purpose being of nearly double the usual average amount. Prices have during the week been about per cent below those quoted in our last report; but have rallied again, and are now the same. In the Foreign Market, a slight decline has occurred in Spanish Stock: but the movement has not caused any material increase in the amount of business. Dutch, Belgian, and most of the other'Foreign Funds, are heavy, and the trans- actions in them unimportant. Portuguese Bonds have recovered again, and may be quoted about 2 per cent in advance of last week's prices: a demand for Hol- land having arisen again, which though not extensive has been sufficient to im- part firmness to the market. The large purchases of all descriptions of Stock recently made for Holland had operated to produce a considerable rise in the exchange upon Amsterdam; and this upward tendency has been materially in- creased by the necessity of providing in London for payment of the large pur- chases of corn lately made fir the same destination; the present rate, between 12& 6d. and 12s. 7d for short paper, is higher than it has ever been. The various Share Markets, which were depressed in consequence of the settle- ment, have generally recovered, and prices of most of the new lines are advancing, though there is no material improvement in the heavier ones. The wisdom of the advice given by the Committee of the Stock Exchange, to abstain from all dealing in Shares previously to allotment, has been fully proved by the circumstances con- nected with the distribution of Shares in the Manchester and Southampton Railway Company . Many speculators both in and out of the Stock Exchange, who apply regularly for Shares, in almost every line, making sure of obtaining Shares in this Company, had already sold them; and for the last six weeks extensive transac- tions have taken place, at prices varying from 1 to 3 premium. To the dismay, however, of these sellers by anticipation, an advertisement appeared on Wednes- aay 1ast, stating that no allotment of Shares would be made to any-parties but those locally interested in the line. A rush to buy consequently occurred; and the sellers of Shares at the low premiums have been compelled to repurchase them SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.
The English Funds close at a slight improvement; the Foreign Funds are without change. A very general business has occurred in Railway Shares at improved prices; and we have to notice the following bargains in addition to those mentioned in the morning. Aberdeen, oh 45; Armagh, Portrush, and Coleraine, 21; Birmingham and Gloucester, 138; Bristol and Exeter, 88h; Ditto, New, 11; Caledonian, 164; Ditto, New, 51; Chester and Holyhead, 204 a; Cheltenham and Oxford, 34; Direct Manchester, (Remington,) 41; Direct Northern, 24; Direct Norwich, 131; Dublin and Galway, 54 4; Eastern Counties, 22 11; Goole and Doncaster, 61 a; Great Eastern and Western, 34; Great Western, 163; Ditto, Half-shares, 93; Ditto, Fifth-Shares, 375; Leicester and Birmingham, 31 3: Bir- mingham, 219 171; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 261; Blackwell, 94; Ditto, New, 3f; Brighton, 71 70 i IA; Ditto, Sixth Shares, 21; Newry and Enniskillen, 34 ;; Newark, Sheffield, and Boston, 54 1; North British, 54; North British, New, 644 7; North Kent and Dover Direct, 44; North Staffordshire, 6a 4 premium; Oxford and Worcester, 194 20 191; Perth and Inverness,. 21; Portsmouth Direct, 5h; Rngby and Huntingdon, 34 4; Scottish Central, 104 12 11; Ditto, Midland, 51; South-Midland, 8 74 8h ; South-eastern cud, Dover, 43 1 4; South Wales. 74 4; Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow, and Dublin, 24 4; Welsh Midland, 41; Wilts and Somerset, 121 11h 13; Boulogne and Amiens, 13h; Bourdeaux,. Toulouse, and Cette, (ItPlienzies,) 24; Ditto, (Espelete's,) 24,.; Central Spain, 24; Dutch Rhenish, 12; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte's,) 31 1 i 4; Great Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte's,) 64 1; Ditto, ditto, Rosamels, 31; Great Paris and Lyons, 2h; Great Western Bengal, 14 1; Jamaica Junction, 54 5; Louvain and Jemeppe, 41; Namur and Liege, 64; Paris and Lyon's, (Ganneron's,) 31; Ditto, (Calon's,) 2h; Paris and Strasburg, (Ganneron's,) 24; Royal North of Spain, 21; Sambre and Meuse, 8h; West Flanders, 74.
3 per Cent Consols • - • • - 984
Ditto for Account 984 4
Columbian ex Venezuela.. • Danish 3 per Cents.— — ... • 18 4 36 8 3 per Cent Reduced ...... — shut Dutch 24 per Cents— . • • • • • 59E 604 34 per Cents shut Ditto 4 per Cents • .ex..div. 94 5 Long Annuities shut Idludean 5 per Cents 324 4 Bank Stock for Account ... — Ditto Delbrred..... ...... . -. 174 4 Exchequer Bills preon. 45 49 • Portuguese New 5 p. Cta. 1841 604 2 India Stock — Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 60 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents 87 9 Russian 5 per Cents 114 15 Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 264 i Chili= 6 per Cents 99 101 Ditto 3 Cents 1842... 374 8
at a loss of. between 2/. and 31. a share; the premium having risen though it has since fallen about 11.
The speculation in Foreign Shares seems declining; and, with the Dutch Rhenish, which continue to advance, almost all the c are lower. The constituted North of France are heavy; the de formerly noticed, having slackened, and a disposition existing of the large shareholders here to get out, not by pressing sales, ing the market as opportunity occurs. Some speculation may be gietsrit ttitsM.: arise in the shares of the Paris and Lyons scheme, whenever the periba for the concession of the line shall be determined: the exact time, however, is uncer- tain; the Minister having determined upon a personal inspection, in order to se- lect the best site for the terminus at Lyons. In the interim, new companies arise: there are already five English, and we believe three French ones, besides one or two private associations of capitalists, which will only be publicly announced at the period of competition. East Indian Shares continue to improve.
There is no change of importance in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds. The Railway Share business has been chiefly in the new lines, for which the demand continues, and which are consequently generally firm or advancing. We can as yet only notice the occurrence of the following bargains; Caledonian, 151 ; Ditto Extension 54; Cambridge and Lincoln, 5/ ; Ditto New, 56; Hounslow and Western, 31; Midland, 1704 ; Neivcastle and Darlington, 67 ; North Staffordshire, 6i premium; Perth and Inverness, 34; Shrewsbury and Trent Valley, 24. No transactions are yet recorded as having occurred in the Foreign Shares, which are at yesterday's prices,