4 OCTOBER 1845, Page 20


Tuesday, Sept. 30.


Jones and Stephens, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, mercers—Leavers and Brown, New Basford, Nottinghamshire, machine-smiths—W. S. and J. Dowell, Sunderland, joiners—Younghusband and Haswell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, milliners—Bower and Willis, Tokenhouse Yard, attornies-at-law—Mills and Wignall, Liverpool, victuallers —R. W. and G. Lightup, Jewry Street, Aldgate, vellum-binders—Fisher and Bird, Xing Street, Cheapside, attornles—Kennett and Gregory, Chatham Place, Blackfriars, attornies—M. and L. Burditt, Ludgate Hill, milliners—Clutton and Co. High Street, Southwark, attomles—Morris and Co. Wrexham, fellmongers—Nash and Gardiner, Bristol, oil-merchants—Stevens and Winterbotham, Great Dover Street, Newington, victuallers—Owens and Hughes, Salford, manufacturing chemists—Elias and Ilalsall, Chorley, Lancashire, cotton-spinners—Alton and Harrison, South Shields, tallow- chandlers—Gurney and Co. Lambeth Walk, brewers—R. and F. Johnston, Manchester, travelling-drapers—Wheatley and Co. Commercial Road, Lambeth, lightermen—Sep- pings and Jones, Swaffham, land-agents—Burgon and Co., Great St Helen's—Norman and Co., New Broad Street ; as far as regards R. Norman—Southey and Son, Tooley Street, auctioneers.


BARRY, Eine, Bristol, victualler, to surrender Oct. 8, Nov. 13: solicitors, Messrs. White and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. W. and C. Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Rynaston, Bristol. FREEMAN, RICHARD, Edward Street, Portman Square, hosier, Oct. 15, Nov. 11 : solicitor, Mr. Reed, Friday Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.

Gummi, JOHN, Motcombe Street, Belgrave Square, oilman, Oct. 22, Nov. 12 soli- citors, Messrs. Taylor and Collison, Great James Street, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

HUGHES, ROBERT, Piccadilly, upholsterer, Oct. 10, Nov. 11 : solicitor, M. M'Duff, Castle Street, Holborn ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.

HUGHES, Joan, Manchester, provision-dealer, Oct. 17, Nov. G: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Hitchcock and Co. Manchester ; official as- signee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. JARMAN, WILLIAM, Wigton, chemist, Oct. 8, Nov. 18: solicitors, Mr. Gray, Staple Inn ; Mr. Lazonby, Wigton ; Mr. Ingledew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. PAINE, GEORGE ALFRED, High Street, Bloomsbury, church-clock-maker, Oct. 10, Nov. 1 I : solicitors, Mr. Hillearry, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

Mannino, SAMUEL, Newman Street, stonemason,' Oct. 14, Nov. 11 : solicitor, Mr. Sutcliffe, New Bridge Street ; official assignee, 3Ir. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

BOONE, GEORGE EDWARD, East Street, Manchester Square, engineer, Oct. 8, Nov. 5 : Solicitor, Mr. Bevan, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.

RATNER, JAMES, Rougham, Norfolk, victualler, Oct.8, Nov. 12: solicitor, Mr. Wilkin, Furnival's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.

ROBERTS, TnomAs, Liverpool, commission-agent, Oct. 13, Nov. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Mitten and Nealor, Southampton Buildings ; Mr. Smith, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.

SHANKLIN, ROBERT, Salford, druggist, Oct. 13, Nov. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; Mr. Norris, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.

THOMPSON, JAMES and Jolla, Leeds, stockbrokers, Oct. 15, Nov. II: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Cana, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Feame, Leeds.

WARWICK, James, Threadneedle Street, merchant, Oct. 8, Nov. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Yenning and Co. Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

WEBBER, WILLIAM, Homdean, Hants, grocer, Oct. 10, Nov. 11 : solicitors, Mr. Lowe, Chancery Lane ; Mr. Ford, Portsea ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.


Oct. 23, Lee, Charing Cross, hosier—Oct. 23, Howland, Thame, auctioneer—Oct. 23, Turner, Myddelton Street, painted-baize-manufacturer—Oct. 23, C rosby and Co. Hounds- ditch, hardwareman—Oct. 24, Wardell, Pickering. Yorkshire, wine-merchant—Oct. 24, Bowden, Wakefield, ironfounder—Oct. 31, J. and W. Campion, Whitby, ship-builders- Nov. 19, Timmis, Stone, Staffordshire, flint-grinder—Dec. 5, Brookes, Newport, Shrop- shire, scrivener—Oct. 22, Watson, Carlisle, grocer—Oct. 22, Hall, Durham, grocer— Oct. 22, Clifton, Barnard Castle, printer—Oct. 22, Pal ster and Newrlck, Sunderland, grocers. CERTIFICATES.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Oct. 22, Coggin, Friday Street, warehouseman—Oct. 21, Day, Buckingham Street, Fitzroy Square, Chemist—Oct. 21, Giles, Brighton, boarding-house-keeper—Oct. 21, Revely, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, plumber—Oct. 22, Clifton, Barnard Castle, printer—Oct. 22, Barlow, Sheffield, grocer—Oct. 23, Aldcroft, Manchester, victualler—Oct. 21, Lea, Liverpool, wine-merchant. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct. 21. Armani, Bush Lane, merchant—Smith, Rugdy, money-scrivener—May, Liverpool, merchant.


Fisher, Bradford, Yorkshire, dealer ; first div. of 8s. Oct. 6 ; Mr. Young, Leeds— Dobson, Leeds, cloth-merchant ; final div. of ltd. Oct 6 ; Mr. Young, Leeds—Bain- bridge, Richmond, Yorkshire, iron-founder ; first and final div. of Is. Pad. Oct. 6 • Mr. Young, Leeds—Clarke, Sheffield, builder ; first div. of 3d. Oct. 6 Mr. Young, Le:3dB- Ifonekman, Bradford, Yorkshire, tobacconist ; final div. of 9d. Oct. 6; Mr. Young, Leeds—Newton and Co. Rotherham, spirit-merchants ; first div. of 6s. 8d., also div. of 208. upon the separate estate of J. Newton, 7s. upon the separate estate of J. W. New- ton, and Is. Oct. upon the separate estate of F. Newton, Oct. 6 ; Mr. Young, Leeds— Wood, Leeside, merchant ; first div. of 2s. 6d. Oct. 6 • Mr. Young, (Leeds—Mears, Leeds, grocer ; first div. of as. 4d. Oct. 7 ; Sir. Hope, Leeds.


GILLESPIE, G., Glasgow, calenderer, Oct. 10, 31.

Friday, Oct. 3.


Bennett and Hearfield, Kingston-upon-Hull, stockbrokers—Rogers and Dew, Bristol, vinegar-makers—Plerrepont and Marsden, Liverpool, watch-jewellers--E. and E. H. Greenhow and Co. North Shields, practitioners in medicine—Salmon and Thom, Lower East Smithfield, provision-dealers—Strickland and Son, Crayford, Kent, millers—Blake and Smith, Leeds, sharebrokers—Metcalfe and Edden, Upper Thames Street, wholesale druggists—Cursham and Campbell, Nottingham, attomies—Chapman and Elliott, Not- tingham, sharebrokers—Stokes and Son, Stalybridge, Lancashire, joiners—A. and W. Cockrell, Warminster, tea-dealers—Parker and Co. Carlisle, flax-spinners ; as far as regards A. Parker—Harding and Co. Long Acre, carpet-manufacturers ; as far as re- gards J. Batchelor-- Lumb and Milner, Rochdale, surgeons—Harper and Co. Bristol, saddlers'-Ironmongers; as far as regards A. Harper—Cawthron and Bramham, Knot- tingley, rope-makers—Clark and Co. Victoria Wharf, Southwark, coal-merchants- Snowden and May, South Shields, linendrapers—Wilson and Roar, Manchester, linen- yarn-merchants—Aldwinckle and Fryer, High Street, Islington, linendrapers—Chris- topher and Mackiulay, Great Coram Street, wine-merchants--Batley and Co. Leeds, joiners—Worthington and Co. Manchester, calico-printers ; as far as regards J. Judd— J. and T. Homer, Manchester, flour-factors—Bolton and Buckley, Birmingham, mer- chants—Colyer and Wilson, Leman Street, coopers—Cockshutt and Lowe, Preston, iron-founders—J. and S. Harborne, Down Street, Piccadilly, ironmongers—Platt and Co. Liverpool, wine-merchants; as far as regards T. Platt—Bardwell and Co. Sheffield, auctioneers ; as far as regards T. N. Bardwell senior.


Davies, Thomas, Liverpool, merchant, to surrender Oct. 21, Nov. 18: solicitors, Mr. Reed, Friday Street, Cheapside ; Messrs. Sale, and Co., Manchester ; official as- signee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

Limes, James Ilurlstone, Richmond, butcher, Surrey, Oct. II, Nov. 20: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Bamard's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

M'Entlre, Robert, Paternoster Row, commission agent, Oct. 14, Nov. 14 : solicitor, Mr. Young, Warwick Square ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

Srayt, William, Finstock, Oxfordshire, baker, Oct 15, Nov. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Nichols and Doyle, Bedford Row ; Mr. Thompson, Oxford ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.


Oct. 25, Tallent senior, Ipswich, provision dealer—Oct. 30, Bones, Bath, shoemaker —Oct. 24, Brewer, Liverpool, flag dealer—Oct. 28, Mead, Liverpool, iron merchant— Oct. 24, Loraine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, bookseller—Oct, 25, Barber, Walsall. banker— Oct. 30, Danks, Birmingham, wharfinger.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Oct. 28, Wood and Holmes, Maidstone, tea-dealers—Oct. 28, Samuel, Leadenhall

Street, cigar-manufacturer—Oct. 25, Wyatt, Babmaes Mews, Well Street, St. James's, out of business—Oct. 27, Kirk, Leeds, pianoforte-manufacturer—Oct. 28, Driver, Slaw- ston, Leicestershire, victualler.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, or. or before Ocl. 24. Thomas, Clifton, wine-merchant—Wood, Abchurch Lane—Greenhow, North Shields, shipbroker—Spencer junior, Liverpool, builder—Robson, Chipping Barnet, grocer-- Simons senior, Camden-town, coal merchant—Lawrie, Fleetwood-upon-Wyre, chemist — Allen, St. Helens, Lancashire, butcher—Nelson, Liverpool, general broker—Law- rence, Northampton, tobacconist—WItchell, Carnarvon, bookseller—Sandars, Derby, corn merchant—Monkhouse, Abcrystwith, wine merchant—Lovell, Henstridge-marsh, Somensetshire, dealer—J. and F. E. Kingsford, Dover, wine merchants.


Morrison, W. Duntrune, builder, Oct. 9, 30,