The English Stock Market has been firm. The price of Consols reached 97 on Tuesday ; and though a reaction of / per cent has since taken place,. the lost ground has been recovered in the course of this afternoon, and the quotation of 97 again reached. The transactions have not been extensive ; there is, however, a less amount of Stock pressing upon the market than there has been for some time, and investments by the public are more ex- tensive. Money is consequently very cheap ; the current rate of interest upon loans for short periods at the Stock Exchange being 2 to 21 per cent. There is more demand in Lombard Street today, and the rate of discount may be quoted there as fully 3 per cent. A very large amount of bills be- come due today and tomorrow, being the 3d and 4th of the month ; and there is a consequent demand for money to meet them. It will be seen that the French Funds are again declining - but this downward movement is re- garded with indifference in our market, except by parties who deal or are interested in French Stocks or Shares.
The fluctuations of the Foreign Market have been on a limited scale : most of the current varieties of Stock, however, are at higher quotations. Mexi- can have improved nearly 1 per cent. All varieties of Spanish Stock are also in better demand. Sardinian Stock and Scrip, though but little inquired for, are nominally at higher quotations ; the price of the Scrip being from 3 to 2 discount, and the Stock having been sold today at 821. The prices of the Northern European Stocks are without material change. Perhaps the most noteworthy circumstance of the week, is the appearance of the government of Sweden as a borrower, with proposals for a loan to the extent of 300,000f. but as the dividends will be payable in local currency at Hamburg, the loan does not attract the attention of our capitalists. The circumstance is only remarkable from the fact that Sweden has till now avoided the system of peace loans, which most of the other European Governments adopt so readily- We should say, however, that the object of the loan is the promotion of local
; and that the capital will be secured by the mortgage of lauds- of ample value.
The Railway Share Market has been very steady for the last few days,. and the advance obtained in the early part of the week has been fully maintained. But nothing has occurred to deserve especial remark. The French Shares are all lower, in consequence of the decline of prices in Paris ; and there does- not seem much inclination for speculation or investment in them.
The English Stock Market Is rather flatter, Consols for Money, having been done at 967 ; the price is now 96/ both for Money and Account. The transactions of the morning have as yet been insignificant. The 'Foreign Funds are all nominally at yesterday's prices, without the occurrence of any business of importance. The Railway Share Market is stt ady at yesterday's prices, with but little doing. The following are the principal bargains— Great Western, 831 ; Lancaster and Carlisle Thirds, 71 1 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 28; Midland, 47 47i ; North Staffordshire, 9; York and North Midland, 19g.
SATURDAY Two O'CLOCK. The English Stock Market is firmer, a considerable business having taken place at 97 in Consols, although no single bargain of importance has oc- curred. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been confined to the following—Brazilian, 87 ex dividend; Mexican, 277; Sardinian Scrip, 21 2.1 dia. ; Spanish Active, 20; ; Dutch Pour per Cents, 901.
The Railway Share Market is still in an advancing state, most of the
cmal Shares being quoted at higher prices than they were in the morning ; the following are the principal bargains—Aberdeen, 10f ; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 431 ; Bristol and Exeter 791 ; Caledonian, llf ; Chester and Holyhead, 18/ 171 19; Eastern Counties, ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 351 6; Great Western, sat 41, ; Lancaster and Carlisle Thirds, 7 tprem- ; Lanu=bie and Yorkshire, fffit ; Ditto West Riding Union, 51; London and North-western, 117} I; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 2f4 _London and South-western, 84f 5; Midland. 47} i; North Stafford/dine: 911; South-eastern and Dover, 19H 7; York, Newcastle, and-Berwiek, 1S1; Ditto Extension,. 131 ; Ditto G. N. E. Pm-Mate' of -Preference, 51; to enjoy it; and it is becoming a question of great moment, how to draw the line York and forth Midland, 191 • Eastern Gauntlet Extension 6 per Cent between them and the lower orders of the community, in whom the country. No. 1, 1 prat. ; Great Wolverhanpton, 151., 6 of France, (Orleans and
Northern 5 per Cent, 131 ; Oxford; Worcester, and per Cent, 6t; Boulogne and Amiens, 101 ; Central Vierzon,) 17 161 ; Northern of France, 14k; Paris
S per Celt Console Ditto forAccount
3 per Celt Reduced
3+ per Onts
961 97 96a 97 shut shut
Dutch 21 per Cents 584 91
Ditto 4 per Cents 901 1, ex d. Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 2/4 Peruvian 6 per Cents as 90 ax d.
Long AllIllitle6 shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 32 3 Bank Sock shut Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 86 8 Excheater Bills 43 46 pas
suasion 5 per Cents
111 113 India sock 960 2 Ditto 41 per Cents 101 4 BraziLkn 5 per Cents 85 7 ex -d Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents.
Belgish 41 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 201 11 37 8 Mann 6 per Cents 103 4 ex d Sardinian Scrip 3 dig.
Denial S per Cents
102 S
Ditto Bonds 821 31 _Danish 3 per Cents 76 8
and Roue', 241