LTo THE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As has invariably
occurred in the case of all previous strikes affecting transnort, the present one will result in every old, decrepit, and half-starved horse, who is now ending his miserable existence performing such light work as can he extorted from him, being seen in our streets goaded and brutally thrashed into pulling over-loads far beyond his strength for years past. Would you allow me, with all the earnestness capable of being conveyed in a Press letter, to beseech your readers to give this matter their personal attention on all possible occasions, and to impel the police to realize and execute their duties in the crime of cruelty to horses as against any other public infraction of the law ? If police constables can be relied upon to enforce that every little " Fido " in a lady's arms must be efficiently muzzled, it should not take much to prompt them to suppress the infamous and flagrant cruelty to horses commonly to be seen in our streets, and which is a biting disgrace to our civilization.—I am, Sir, &c., FRANCIS A. Cox, Secretary.