4 OCTOBER 1919, Page 14



SIR,—I do not know whether or not the enclosed 'statement may be of interest to you; but it shows what can be done in the trying atmospheric conditions in a colliery district and on land which was merely a rubbish-tip. The plot at all seasons has received favourable comment owing to its neatness and arrangement, and although very insecurely fenced with a wire rope has never had a foot of trespass set upon it.—I am, Sir, &c., JOHN CHARLTON, Head-Master.

The School House, Seaton Delaval.

" As an example of what can be done on a piece of wake land the Seaton Delaval Council Schools provide a good illustration. The plot in question contains 59 sq. poles Of of an acre) and was previously used by the boys for cricket practice. During the past three years the scholars have grown over six tons of potatoes, 119 stones of beetroot, 78 stones of parsnips, 3,000 leeks, besides greens, artichokes, French beans, salsafy, and other vegetables. The produce has been sold at a low price to the parents of the acholars,.and the profits are set aside for a War Memorial to old boys who have fallen in the war. Over 50 War Certificates are now in hand."