Your Position Commercially and Socially Depends on Your being able
to Speak Convincingly
" Have you heard the news about Frank Jordan ? He's been made secretary of the company ! "
This news quickly brought me to the little group which had gathered in the centre of the office.
I could hardly believe my ears. I knew Jordan was a capable fellow, quiet and unassuming, but I never would have selected him for any such sudden rise. I knew, too, that the Secretary of the Great Eastern had to be a big man, and I wondered how in the world Jordan secured the position.
The first chance I got I walked into Jordan's new office, and after congratulating him warmly I asked him to give the details of how he jumped ahead so quickly. His story is so intensely interesting that I am going to repeat it as closely as I remember.
" I'll tell you just how it happened, George, because you may pick up a point or two that will help you.
" You remember how scared I used to be whenever I had to talk to the chief ? You remember how you used to tell me that every time I opened my mouth I got into trouble ? You remember how confused I used to be every time I met new people ? I couldn't say what I wanted to say when I wanted to say it ; and I determined that if there was any possible chance to learn how to talk I was going to do it.
" I bought a number of books on public speaking, but they seemed to be meant .for those who wanted to become orators, whereas what I wanted to learn was not only how to speak in public, but how to speak to individuals under various conditions in business and social life.
" A few weeks later, just as I was about to give up hope of ever learning how to talk interestingly, I read an announcement stating that Dr. Frederick Law had just completed a new course in business talking and public speaking entitled ' Mastery of Speeoh.' The Course was offered on approval without money in advance, so since I had nothing whatever to lose by examining the lessons, I sent for them, and in a few days they arrived. I glanced through the entire eight lessons, reading the headings and a few paragraphs here and there, and in about an hour the whole secret of effective speaking was opened to me.
" For example, I learned why I had always lacked confidence, why talking had always seemed something to be dreaded, whereas it is really the simplest thing in the world to `get up and talk.' I learned how to secure complete attention to what I was saying, and how to make everything I said interesting, forceful and convincing. I learned the art of listening, the value of silence, and the power of brevity. Instead of being funny at the wrong time, I learned how and when to use humour with telling effect.
" The most wonderful part of the lessons was the actual examples of what things to say and when to say them to meet every condition. I found that there was a knack in making oral reports to my superiors. I found that there was a right way and .a wrong way to present complaints, to give estimates, and to issue orders. I picked up some wonderful points about how to give my opinions, about how to answer complaints, about how to ask the bank for a loan, about how to ask for extensions. Another thing that struck me forcibly was that, instead of antagonizing people when I didn't agree with them, I learnt how to bring them round to my way of thinking in the most pleasant sort of way. Then, of course, along with those lessons there were chapters on speaking before large audiences, how to find material for talking and speaking, how to talk to friends, how to talk to servants, and how to talk to children.
" Why, I got the secret the very first evening, and it was only a short time before I was able to apply all the principles, and found that my -words were beginning to have an almost magical effect upon everybody to whom I spoke. I began to acquire an executive ability that surprised me. I smoothed out difficulties like a true diplomat. In my talks with the chief I spoke clearly, simply, convincingly. Then came my first promotion since I entered the accounting department. I was given the job of answering complaints, and I made good. From that I was given the job of making collections. When Mr. Buckley joined the Officers' Training Corps I was made secretary. My salary is now £1,500 a year, and I expect it will be raised this year.
" And I want to tell you honestly that I attribute my success solely to the fact that I learned how to talk to people."
When I sent for Dr. Law's Course, I found it to be exactly as Jordan had stated. After studying the eight simple lessons I began to sell to people who had previously refused to listen to me. After four months of recordbreaking sales during the dullest season I received a wire from the Chief asking me to return to the city office, and was appointed Sales Manager at almost twice my former salary. I know that there was nothing in me that had changed except that I had acquired the ability to talk where formerly I simply used " words without reason."
So confident are the Standard Art Book Co., Ltd.. publishers of Dr. Law's Course in Business Talking and Public Speaking, of the result, once you have an opportunity to see in your own home how you can, in one hour, learn the secret of effective speech under all conditions. that they are willing to send you the Course for free examination.
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