4 OCTOBER 1940, Page 22


ALLIED INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, LIMITED THE sixth annual meeting of the members of Allied Industrial Services, Limited, was held on September z7th at Netherwood Cham- bers, Bradford. Mr. W. H. Rhodes, who presided, said: Ladies and Gentlemen, at this our sixth annual meeting I have considered it advisable in view of prevailing conditions that my speech should be in your hands at the same time as the accounts and directors' report. As such report is now in your possession, I do not intend to comment upon the pro- posed allocation of profit, apart from stating that whilst the year's trading results are almost equal to the record figures of last year, it has been necessary in order to provide for higher taxation to transfer to taxation reserve the sum of £128,390, an increased amount of £88,390 when compared with the relative figures of last year. In this connection I might add that we have already paid in advance a considerable sum against our income-tax liability.

Since I last addressed you many of our employees have joined His Majesty's Forces, and we have inaugurated a scheme of allowances for their benefit. A National Savings Group scheme has been in- stituted throughout the company, which has been welcomed by our people as an opportunity to contribute towards the war effort. Since the commencement of the present trading period our turnover has been maintained.

Before formally proposing the resolution adopting the accounts, it gives me very real pleasure to place on record my appreciation and thanks to everyone associated with the company for their un- ceasing and loyal efforts to maintain output, and I have every confi- dence that despite all difficulties these efforts on their part will be continued in the future.

The report and accounts were unanimously adopted and a resolu- tion was passed confirming the payment of the preference dividends for the two half-years to June 3oth, 194o, and the interim ordinary dividend already paid, and sanctioning a final dividend of zo per cent. actual for the year, making 3o per cent. for the year, less tax.

The formal business was duly transacted and the proceedings ter- minated with a vote of thanks to the directors and staff.