prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Wednesday. No envelopes mill be opened before noon on Wednesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published is our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a 2}d. stamp, otherwise rho are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]
ACROSS An English town much inferior to the Red Sea (8).
5. Poetically a little of the dic-
tionary is prohibited (6). 9. A humble conveyor of muni- tions in the raw (8).
to. Not awake, please (6). 12. A piece of rhyme (6).
t3. Boaster with a palindromic heart (8).
15. Through this, nowadays no doubt, the view is too often German (2 words) (6, 6). 18. A student of insurance? (2 words) (7, 5).
23. A fairy with doweries of stones (8).
24. Me never! (6).
26. Guardsman of musical title (6).
27. Jane was ours (8).
28. Net (6).
29. Made, perhaps, by the queen (of 22 down) (2 words) (3,5).
DOWN 1. Not necessarily a bird of revolution (6). 2. Lisped for a change (6).
3. It's so biting (7).
4. The wood-worker doesn't come in ; that's fishy! (4).
6. Donkey, for example, first class (7).
7. Not necessarily a regiment of extreme Tories (8). 8. Inverness as defined by another place (8).
t. He is associated with a lute (7).
14. Enliven (7).
16. It lives on air (8). 17. Inheritance for which the inheritor appears to appear (8).
19. In sand I disguise them (7). 20. Like Hamlet's father's tetter (7).
21. " Is this a - which I see before me, The handle towards my hand? " (Shakes- peare) (6).
22. See 29 (6). 25. Mixed oats (4).