4 OCTOBER 1969, Page 25

Dancers Inherit The Party

Sir: How ingenuous does Mr Stuart Montgomery (Letters, 13 September) take the readers of the SPECTATOR to be—even those who read poetry?

Concerning Mr Finlay's book, published by him, he claims that it was at the author's express request that the list [of sources] was omitted from the acknowledgements'. He then quotes from a letter of Mr Finlay: 'I think we should leave out the list of where the poems were first printed.'

We do not need to be Perry Masons to adduce that Mr Finlay was speaking here about the appearance of individual poems in magazines and not about their collective appearance in book form by Migrant Press in 1960.

Clever as anyone may believe himself to be, he cannot pull the wool over the public's eyes all the time.

This correspondence is now closed.— Editor, SPECTATOR.