A History of British Birds, Indigenous and Migratory : including their Organization, Habits, and Relations; Remarks on Classification and Nomenclattire ; an Account of the principal Organs of Birds, and Observations relative to Practical Ornithology. Illustrated by nu- merous Engravings. By William Macgillivray, A.M., LLD., &c. Volumes IV. and V.
Rambles and Scrambles in North and South America. By Edward Sullivan, Esq.
A Walk Across the French Frontier into North Spain. By Lieutenant March, R.M.
The Heir of Sherborne ; or the Attainder. In three volumes. Pictures from St. Petersburg'. By Edward Jerrmann. Translated from the Original German by Frederick Hardman. (Traveller's Library.) [The account which leaves the best impression of the raw and artificial cha- racter of the exterior " magnificence " of St. Petersburg, is that of Mr. Leitch Ritchie, published some years ago in the Picturesque Annual. The
best picture of the outer life and economy of the Russian capital is the mi-
nute yet vivid descriptions of Kohl. In point of truth or sobriety, these _Pictures from St. Petersburg have no pretension to compare with either of
the first-named books. They are a series of "sketches," some of them ori-
ginally published in newspapers, in which the original subject is distorted or coloured by passing through the mind of the writer. Almost everything
that Edward Jerrmann sees is deeply tinted with rose-colour, especially if it relate to the Emperor, the Imperial family, the great officers of state, or anything emanating therefrom. Even the Russian system" is not nearly
so bad as the Germans think it ; though the facts of cruelty, corruption, and absurdly rigid adherence to literal interpretation, that the author, narrates about the bureaucracy, exhibit the whole in a worse light than its bitterest opponents have done.
The author's subjects are numerous ; those which concern the theatre are the best. His criticisms on the French actors are keen, with enough of ma- licious compliment to render them spicy : his anecdotes of the Russian noble- superintendents or manager over managers are good ; his explanations of the reasons why the German company did not succeed are reasonable—but Herr Jerrmann is an actor, and was the manager of the German company at St Petersburg.]
The Three Colonies of Australia ; New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia ; their Pastures:, Copper Mines, and Gold Fields. By Samuel Sidney, Author of the Australian Mand-book." With numerous Engravings. (Illustrated London Library.)
IA history of New South Wales, Port Phillip, and South Australia, followed by advice to emigrants, with topographical sketches of different districts, in-
cluding their natural productions and natural history, the region of the dig-
gings not being overlooked. The history is largely mingled with the re- marks of the author on Colonial questions, and discussions on the Wakefield
system of colonization' which he denounces, as well as its author. The advice to emigrants is detailed, arranged under heads addressed to different classes. The sketches are written with a sort of clever smartness ; which, indeed, is the characteristic of the book.] The New Practice of the Court of Chancery, as regulated by the Acts for the Improvement of the Jurisdiction of Equity, for Abolishing
the Office of Master, and for Relief of Suitors. With Introduction, Notes, the Acts, and a Copious Index. By James O'Dowd, Esq., Barrister-at-law.
[An analytical account of the new acts for the Reform in Chancery, classed under the heads of their subject matter. Remarks of the author, with ex- tracts from the Report of the Chancery Commissioners and from other writers, remove as far as may be a technical air front this analysis ; while the acts themselves, following the introduction, give the student both text and commentary.]
Romanism an Apostate Church. By Non Clericus.
[An angry rather than a vehement attack upon the Romish Church, on some of the many charges brought against the Scarlet Lady ; a little freshness of topic being occasionally given by the handling of contemporary matters.]
Mental Arithmetic; or a Concise System of Commercial Arithmetic. By
James Stmchan, F.E.I.S., &e. [A Scotch publication ; from the preface to which it might be inferred that the English books on mental ready-reckoning are not much used North of the Tweed. There is no peculiar feature in the volume, but the tables are nu- merous, and the exercises adapted to their purpose.]
Delusion; or the Triumph of Virtue. A Poem, in Four Cantos. By an Unknown Author.
[A poem of merit by no means proportioned to its length. It is preceded by a preface which professes to give an account of the story of the manuscript, "how it was picked up on the coast of one of the Greek Islands by a sailor," and so forth ; and then, after infusing the idea that it might have been by Byron, proceeds to puff the piece with an impudence that defeats its object.]
Connemara and the Irish Highlands ; a Pocket Guide for Tourists.
With Map. [A brief and businesslike guide to the beauties of the wilds of Connemara ; showing to those who are pushed for time how the great features of the country can be seen in four days at a reasonable rate, and fixing the head- quarters of those who wish to explore its recesses. A good map accompanies the letterpress.]
The Ceretnonial Usages of the Chinese, 13. c. 1121, as prescribed in the "Institutes of the Chow Dynasty strung as Pearls " • or Chow le Kwan Clam Being an abridgment of the Chow le Classic, by Hoe Peih Seang, (designated Mung Chew.) Translated from the Original Chinese, with Notes, by William Raymond Gingen, Interpreter to her Majesty's Consulate, Foe Chow Foo.
The Gentleman of the Old School; a Tale. By G. P. R. James, Esq. (Parlour Library.) Sketches of .English Character. By Mrs. Gore. (Bentley's Shilling Series.) The Glacier Land. From the French of Alexander Dumas. By Mrs. W. It Wild. (The Book-case.)
The Dodd Family Abroad. By Charles Lever. No. I. [Moore's Fudge Family has probably furnished the idea of this new serial fiction ; and it may be critically objected to the execution, that the inven- tion is not very recondite, and the incidents are rather like caricature ; but it is what its purchasers will most care for, readable and laughable. The Dodds are an Irish family ; consisting of a father, embarrassed of course—a mother, with a longing for high society, and first-rate things at a cheap price—a sentimental daughter—a second daughter' of whom as yet we only hear, and apparently the heroine—together with a son, an Irish and rather vul- gar Young Rapid, a modern "fast young man." At Mrs. Dodd's suggestion, they go abroad, to see high life, form high connexions, and economize. They are attended by Betty Cobb, an Irish maid-servant, with Paddy Byrne for a man ; and they each write home accounts of their adventures. With such materials in Mr. Lever's hands, there is no lack of broad farce ; and, we suppose, it may be said as the numbers increase, "the more the merrier."]
Diocesan Synods and Convocation. A Charge delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Archdeaconry of Chichester, on August 3c1 and 6th 1852. By the Venerable J. Garbett, Archdeacon of Chichester. Report of a Public Discussion carried on by Henry Townley and George Jacob Holyoake. Edited, with Notes and an Appendix, by Henry Townley. The Grievance of the University Tests as applied to Professors of Phy- sical Science in the Colleges of Scotland. By George Wilson, M.D.
Trial of Andrea Botha, Field-Cornet of the Upper Blinkwater, in the Eat River Settlement, for High Treason, in the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, on May 12th and subsequent days.
A Letter to Dr. Lyon Playfair, C.B., &c., on the recent Analysis of the Buxton Tepid Water. By William Henry Robertson, M.D.