&wee EXCHANGE, Faulty Aro:execs. The announcement of the new Turkish Six per Cent Loan for 5,000,000/. the first issue of which is to be for 3,00000a, caused the English Funds to open heavily on Monday Morning, and a fat of / per cent shortly after took place ; Consols were clone at 96j—the lowest point reached during the week. It was at first thought the 51. deposit required to meet the applica- does for the new loan would have caused a greater demand for money, but the effect upon the market was very slight, and prices have again assumed an upward tendency. Consols closing this afternoon 961 96.I. The con- tinued rise on the Faris Bourse, coupled with the amounts of specie kno-an to be en the way from Australia and elsewhere, have tended chiefly to tin- part the present firmness of tone to the market. Business has not been ex- tensive, dealers being principally attracted to the scrip of the New Loan. Applications for money were more numerous at the beginning of the week, and higher rates ruled ; there is now a very limited demand, and 'meson Go- vernm en t Securities are at about 11 per cent again. Bank Stock, 227 229; Reduced, 971 971. The day for the next settlement in Consols is fixed for 12th October, the price is 96; sellers. The great feature of importance which has engaged the attention of the foreign dealers this week, has been the introduction of the New Turkish Six per Cent Loan at 85, after remaining for two days at 1 and 1 prem. the quota- tion rapidly declined to 1 die, at which figure the market closes with a heavy appearance. There has been sonic little business in Peruvian, but prices are only slightly changed. The Foue-and-a-half per Cents ure 90 91; Ditto Three pee. Cents, 70 71 ; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 77 79 ; Mexicau after advancing to 211, buyers has receded to the original price, 21.,1 2lf. The New Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cent was paid up on 1Veduess day last, the last quotation is 96 97. Venezuela Active, 38 19 ; Grenada Active, 201 211; Chili= Six per Cent, 104 106 ; Spanish Three per Cent, 441 45; Ditto Certificates, 5; a ; Victor Emmanuel, 91 92. Only a very limited business has been transacted in Railway Shares, the markets have been flat aud heavy, prices drooping all the week withoukany reaction ; most of the leading lines have declined from 10 to '2:5 per share but more from absence of business than from actual pressure of sales, the traffic returns being of a generally unfavourable character produces the pre- sent flatness in a great measure. The last prices are as follows—Man- chester, Sheffield and Lincoln, 32f 33; North Stafford, 51 Of ; Great Western, 4911 50,i; London and North-Western, 87; 88; ex div. ; London and South-11 estern, 92 92k; Caledonian, 41f 411; Great Northern Stock, 981 ex div. ; Midland, 941 ex div. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 92a 93; Oxford, Worcester, and ■Volverhampton, nominally, 13 14. The half-monthly settling took place on Tuesday, since when the markets stem to have been altogether deserted. From the decided improvement upon the Paris Bourse, French prices have risen here, and a firmness exists whit h has not been seen lately ; Northern of France are fairly 38 38k; Paris mid Lyons, 321 33J; Paris and Strasbourg, 281 291 ; Indian shales (lull, Ma- dras 20/. shares, 201 20k; Bombay and Baroda dis. k prem ; Eest India, 104f 105f. The Led Sea Telegraph Scrip was settled today ; the closing quotation is 1 prem.