A curiously melodramatic yet noteworthy story comes to us from
Cuba. The Government there—or rather a military tri- bunal acting under its orders—condemned a seaman to death for aiding the insurgents, apparently in the face of evidence. The man was an American born of English parents, and both the American and English Consuls remonstrated, but without effect. The man was led out to execution, when both Consuls stepped forward before him, wrapped themselves and him in the national flags, and dared the commandant to fire. He hesitated, and reprieved the man, who was finally banished. It was rather a scenic business, if it occurred as related, though both Consuls deserve credit for pluck and determination ; but some day or other it will be transacted on a good big scale, and then—why, then the world will be at the mercy of the most Philistine and uniddad race within its limits.