It is rather late, we fear, now that the spring
and almost the summer are over, to notice Mr. J. B. Burgess's Old English Wild Flowers.
(Warne.)—There will still, however, be some late summer and autumn flowers to find, especially among sea-side plants. Or the reader may not unfitly prepare himself for the walks of another year. The book is very pleasantly written, without any parade of scientific knowledge, and with a pleasant mixture of human interest in it. The arrangement is twofold, and we should say convenient. The flowers of each season are put by themselves, and then the flowers of each place. The reader, for
instance, will find under the heads of "Autumn Wild Flowers," and "By the River and Streamlet," these names :—"The Rushes—Bulrush, Sweet- Flag, Sedges, Reedmace," and some nine others. There are some prettily coloured illustrations, and a little practical instruction for the young botanist is added.