[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] •
CHILDREN AND BOLSHEVISM. ITo THE EDITOR Or THE #` SPECTATOR.") Sm.,—In your last issue you publish a letter from Mr. Tom Anderson scoffing at any grown-up person who retains a belief in God, and comparing him or her to a little girl playing with a doll. Notoriously analogies prove nothing, but surely this analogy supports the point of view of the believer rather than the sceptic. A child nursing a doll obviously symbolizes a great experience and a greater hope. She his actual experience of maternal care, and she instinctively looks forward to the greater experience of maternity. If the experience and the hope which inspire the Christian are as sure and certain as those of the child he can well afford to smile at Mr. Anderson's strangely ill-conceived gibe.—I am, Sir, &c., C. TOWNSEND.
14 Stanley Gardens, W. 11.