that Mr. Tom Anderson does not under- stand his adversaries, and perhaps some of us find it hard to understand him. He wishes for some form of government : the proletariat is to dictate to the rest of the oommunity. Does he wish simply to tuin society upside down? The ship of State is not likely to make a nrosperous voyage keel upwards. In attacking Christianity he no doubt fails to realize the
meaning of it : he wishes the proletariat, by which I suppose he means the poorest and weakest and stupidest, to be dictators. Is he misinterpreting Christ's words, " Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth," and does he accept these words as the basis of his philosophy? Is he after all a Christian, though a misguided one? Society is bound together by mutual help and forbearance, and cannot exist without faith and hope and love, the three cardinal virtues of Christianity. Does Mr. Anderson wish to destroy the cement that binds us together, however imperfectly, in order that the world may fall in ruins?
am, Sir, &c., E. W. STONE.
Eton College, Windsor.