Another Pilot Dropped
The sudden expulsion from the Rumanian Cabinet of the one outstanding political figure in the country, and the only Rumanian with a European reputation, M. Titulescu, is to be attributed,' according to one report, to German influence. That theory does at any rate provide an intelligible explanation, which no other theory—except perhaps that of royal jealousy—does. M. Titulescu had many enemies abroad,—thanks to his warm support of the Little Entente and of friendship with France and Russia—and many at home, though he took little part in party controversies. His absence weakens the Government considerably and its tenure of office is likely to be brief. When it falls it may be regarded as certain that M. Titulescu will return to power, for his prolonged exclusion from public life.cannot easily be imagined. It is significant that Dr. Lupti, vice- president of the powerful Peasants' Party which heads the opposition to the Government, and with which M. Titulescu is vaguely identified, has gone to visit him at Cap Martin. Meanwhile, the Government, without hint, is capable of committing many.. follies. It is demanding new credits for armaments and has ordered the suppression of party " armies," conspicuous among . them the notorious Iron Guard. That, on the face of it, is not a folly, but it remains to be seen whether_ the ban will be enforced equitably, or at all. In view of the . pressure of various external forces the developments of Rumanian policy will need watching.