A Change of Scene.
We recently spent a couple of weeks away from home—on holiday in the next county—but still in sight of the same range of mountains. The air was different and the scene was frAh, for we watched the sunlight on peaks and ridges that always stand in silhouette at evening when we are at home. A mile or two brings a change of scene and a change of character. The location of a ridge of hills Means different air currents and different drainage and the change of background makes the houses and even the people seem a little foreign, but this is an illusion. While we were away I called at a ramshackle garage and talked for a while with a man who tended the pump. " Oh yes ?" he said, "71 you're from there you know ray brother who lives at the last house before you come to Jack Jones' Place." 1 couldn't remark about the smallness of the world for I could see a cload across the mountain and it was surely spilling rain at home.