4 SEPTEMBER 1993, Page 24

Belgians take offence

Sir: On returning to Belgium from the UK where I was at the time of King Baudouin's death, friends confirmed what I had sus- pected, that the BBC, practically alone in Europe, relegated this news to a humiliat- ing footnote, whereas it was the lead story in France, Germany, the Netherlands and other European countries. Even when the Queen attended his funeral, this was sec- ond item to the opening of Buckingham Palace. This dedicated, self-effacing monarch had won the respect and indeed love of his people, both Walloon and Flem- ish, in a country where politicians of all complexions and languages have not been held in particularly high esteem.

I think this imbalance is a sad indication of British insularity, not to mention crass insensitivity. Many anglophile Belgians who regularly watch the BBC here were deeply offended.

John Whitton

Boite 7, Ave. des Eperviers 5, 1150 Brussels, Belgium