Aglionby, Henry A. Fox, W. Johnson M'Cullagh, W. T. Salwey, Col. Henry Alcock, Thomas Gibson, Rt. Hon. 'T. hlagan, Wm. H. Scrope, G. Poulett Anstey, Chisholm Granger, Thomas C. Maher, Nicholas Scully, Francis Barron. Sir H. Bt. Greene, Capt. John Meagher, Thomas Shafto, Robert D. Bass, if. Thos. Grenfell, Charles P. Milner, W. M. Edw.Sidney, Aid. Thos. Blake, Martin J. Hall, Sir B. Bt. Moffatt, George Somers, John P.
Bright John Hardeastle Jos. A. Molasworth, Sir W. Staunton Sir G. T Brown, Humphrey Mastic, Alexander Morris, David Strickland, Sir G . Bt. Chaplin; Wm. J. Headlam, T. E. Mowatt, Francis Sullivan, Michael
Clay, James Henry, Alexander Muntz, George F. Tenison, Edw. K. Clifford, Lt.-Col. H. Heywood, James Nugent, Sir P. Bt. Trelawny, J. S.
Cobden, Richard Hepworth, Lawrence O'Brien. John Wakley, Thomas Copeland, Aid. W. Higgins, G. G. 0. O'Brien, Sir Tim. Wall, Chas. Baring Corbally, H. Elias Hobhouse, Thos. B. O'Connell, John Walmsley, Sir Josh. Cowan, Charles Hodges, Thos. Law O'Connell, Morgan Wawn, J. Twizell Crawford, W. S. Hodges, T. Twisden O'Connor, Feargus Williams, John Devereux, John T. liorsman, Edward O'Flaherty, Anth. Williams, William Divett, Edward Howard, Philip H. Pechell, Sir G.
Duke, Sir James Keogh, William Pilkington, James TELLERS.
Duncan, Viscount Kershaw, James Power, Dr. King, Hun. P. Locke Duncombe, Thos. S. Lawless, Hon. C. J. Reynolds, John Hume, Joseph Evans, Sir Be Lacy Leonard, Thos. B. Sadleir, John MINISTERIAL AND PROTECTIONIST MAJORITY AGAINST THE SECOND EVADING.
Acland, Sir T. D. Bt.Cmig, Sir Wm. G. Hodgson, Wm. N. Plumptre, John P.
Adair, Hugh E. Cubitt, William Hope, A. J. B. Ponsonhy, Hon. C.F. Adair, it. A. Shafto Dalrymple, Capt. J. Howard, Hon. E. G. Portal, Melville Adderley, Chas. B. Hamer, Hon. Col. Hudson, George Price, Sir note. Bt. Anson, Lt.-Col. Ho. Davies, D. Arthur Inglis, Sir IL Harry Pugh, David
Anson, Visct. Deedes, William Jermyn, Earl Rawdon, Lt.-Col. J. Arbuthnott, LL-Gen.Denison, Edmund Jocelyn, Viscount Repton, G. W. J. Arkwright, George Denison, John E. Johnstone, Sir J. V. Ricardo, Osman
Joliffe, Sir W. G. Rice, Ed. Royd Armstrong, Sir And. Dick, Quintin Ashley, Lord Disraeli, Benjamin Jones, Capt. T. Rich, Henry Bagge, William Dod, J. Whitehall Knightley, Sir C. Bt.Richards, Richard Begot Hon. W. Dodd, George ill Knox, Lt.-Col. B. Rom illy, Col. Fred. Bagshaw, John Drummond, Home Knox, Hon. W. S. Rumba d, C E. Bailey, Joseph Duckworth, Sin. B. Labouchere, Henry Rushout, Capt. G.
Baillie, Hen. James Duncombe, Capt. A. Lacy, Henry Charles Russell, Lord J. Baines, Rt. Hn. M. T.Duncombe, Hon. 0. Langston, James H. Russell, Him. Edw.
Baird, James Duncuft, John Lawley, Hon. Bailin, Russell, Francis C.
Baldock, E. H. Dundas, Admiral J. Legh, G. Cornwall Sanders, George Baldwin, Chas. B. Dundee, George Lemon, Sir C. Bt. Sanders, Joseph
Banker, George Dundas, Sir David Lennox, Ld. Alex. 0.8cott, Hon. F. Baring, Sir F. T. Bt. Dunne, Lt.-Col. F. Lennox, Ld. Hen. G. Seymour, H. Hanby Baring, Thomas Du Pre, Caledon G. Lewis, Sir T. F. Bt. Seymour, Lord Barnard, Edw. G. East, Sir J. B. Bt. Lewis, G. Cornewall Slaney, Roh. A. Barrington, Visct. Ebrington, Viscount Lewisham, Viscount Smyth, John G.
Barrow, W. H. Edwards, Henry Lindsay, Lt.-Col. J. Smollett, Alexander
Bell, Jacob Egerton, W. Tatton Littleton, lion. E. Somerville. Sir W. Bellew, Richard M. Ellice, Rt. Hon. E. Lockhart, William Sotheron, T. H. S.
Bennet, Capt. P. Ellice jun. Edward Long, Walter Spearman, Hen. J. Beresford, Maj. W. Emlyn, Viscount Lopes, Sir Ralph, Ilt.Spooper, Richard
Loveden, Pryse 'Stafford, Augustus
Berkeley, Adm. Id. F.Farrer, James
Berkeley, lion. H. F.Fellowes, Edward Lowther, Henry Stanford, John r. Berkeley, C. L. G. Fergus, John Lygon, Hon. Gen. Stanley, Edward Bernard, Visct. Ferguson, Lt.-Col. Mackenzie, W. F. Stanley, Hon. E. H.
Best, J. Ferguson, Sir Rt. B. Mackinnon, W. A. litanley, Hon. W. 0. Birch, Sir T. B. Bt. FitzPatrick, J. W. Macnsghten, Sir E. Stanton, W. H.
Blair, Stephen Fitzroy, lion. Henry M'Neill, Duncan Stuart, Lord Jas. Blandford. Marg. of FitzsvSliam, Hon. G. Mahon, O'Gorman Stuart, Henry
Boldero, Capt. H. Forbes, William Mahon, Viscount Stuart, John Booth, Sir R. Gore Fordyce, Capt. A. D. Manners, Lord Geo. Start, Henry G. Bowles, Rear-Ad. Forester, Hon. G. C. Marshall, J. Garth Taylor, Lieut.-Col.
Boyle, Lt.-Col. R. E. Forster. Matthew Matheson, Sir J. Thompson, Lt.-Col. Bramston, 'I'. W. Fortescue, Chich. Matheson, Col. T. Tollemache, Hon. F. Bremridge, Rich, Freestun, Col. W. Maude, Rt. lion. FoxTollemache, John Brisco, Musgrave French, Fitzstephen MaunseU, CoL T. P.Towneley, John
Broadley, Henry Frewen, C. II. Maxwell, En. J. P. Townley, K. Grimes . Brooke, Sir Ar. Bart .Fuller, Augustus E. Melgund, Viscount Townshend,
Brown, William Gallwey, Sir W. P. Mena, Sir H. Bart. Trail, George Bruce, C. Cumming Gaskell, James H. Miles, Philip W. S. Trevor, lion. T. Bruen, Col. H. Gilpin, R. T. Manes, R. hlonektonTuffnell, Rt. Hon. H. Buck, Lewis Wm. Glyn, George Carr Mitchell, Thos. A. Tyler, Sir G. Bulkeley, Sir R. B. Goddard, Ambrose Moody, Chas. Aaron Vane, Lord Harry Buller, Sir J. Y. Bt. Gooch, Edward S. Morgan, Octavius Verner, Sir W. Bt. Sunbury, E. Herbt. Goold, Wyndham Mormon, Sir W. Villige, Viscount Burghley, Lord Gore, W. R. Ormsby Mulgrave, Earl of Vyse;tion. Capt. Burke, Sir T. J. Bt. Goulburn,Rt.Hn.H.Mul.Ugs, J. R. Waddington, IC S. Butler, Pierse S. Greenall, Gilbert Mundy, William Walpole, Spencer II.
Buxton, Sir E. Bt. Greene, Thomas Mine, Col. W. Wegg-Prosser, F. R.
Campbell, Hon. W. Grenfell, Charles W.Naas, Lord Wellesley, Lord C. Carew, W. H. Pole Grey, Rt. Hon.Sir G. Napier, Joseph Westhead, J. P. B.
Cavendish, Hon. C. Grey, Ralph Wm. Newdegate, C. N. Wilcox, B. hiGhie Cavendish, Hon. G. Grosvenor, Lord R. Newport, Viscount Williamson, Sir H.
Cavendish, W. G. Guernsey, Lord Noel, Hon. Gerard J. Wilson, James Cayley, E. S. Gwyn, Howel Norreys, Sir D. Bt. Wilson, Mathew
Charteris, Hon. F. Hall, Col. John O'Brien, Sir L. Bt. Wodehouse, E. Chatterton, Colonel Hallyburton, Ld . J. Ogle, Savile C. H. Wood, Sir Charles
Chichester, Lord J. Halsey, Thos. P. Out, William Worcester, Marg. of
Childers, John W. Hamilton, Lord C. Ossulston, Lord Wrightson, Wm. B.
Christopher, R. A. Harris, Richard Owen, Sir John, Bt. Wynn, H. W. W. Clerk, Sir G. Bart. Hatchell, John Parke, Charles W. Wynn, Sir W. Bt. dive, Hon. R. H. Hawes, Benjamin Paget, Lord Alfred Wyvill, Marmaduke Clive, Henry Bayley Henley, Joseph W. Paget, IA. Clarence Yorke, Hon. Eliot Cocks, T. Somers Herbert, Rt. Hon. S. Palmer, Robert
Coke, Hon. E. K. Berries, Rt. Hon. J. Palmerston, Visct. TELLERS.
Coles, H. Beaumont Hervey, Lord A. Parker, John Hayter, W. G. Compton, H. Combo Hildyard, Rob. C. Patten, John Wilson Hill, Lord Marcus Cowper, Hon. W. F. Hindley, Charles Pigott, Francis
Anderson, Arthur Evans, William Lushington, Charles Scholefleld, William Blewitt, R. James Ewart, William Mackie, John Smith, Rt. lin.Vem.
Brocklehurst, John Fagan, William M'Gregor, John Smith, John B.
Brotherton, Joseph Hanmer, Sir J. Bart. M'Taggart, Sir J. BLStansfield, W. R. C. Calvert, F. Hastie, Archibald Mangles, R. D. Stuart, Lord Dudley Carter, John B. Humphery, Ald. J. Moore, George H. Tancred. H. W.
Colebrooke, Sir T. Hutt, William Oswald, Alexander Thicknesse, R. A.
Collins, William Jackson, William Perfect, Robert Thornely, Thomas D'Eyncourt, Charles Keating, Robert Pinney, William Villiers, Hon. F. W. Drummond, Henry Locke, Joseph Robartes, T. Jas. A. Wood,William Page' Ellis, John • Seat vacated by appointment as Solicitor-General. MEMBERS WHO VOTED WITH MR. LOCKE KING ON FEBRUARY 20, BUT AGAINST HIM ON APRIL 2.
Adair, Hugh E. Sunbury. E. Herbert Langston, James H. Slaney, Rob. A.
Adair, R. A. S. Forster Matthew Loveden. Pryse Thompson, LL-Col. Brown, William Harris, Rice, Ed. Boyd. Wilson, Matthew