The disappearance of the Earl of Shannon would make a
good plot for a sensation novel. Seven years ago, Viscount Boyle, now the Earl, went to Canada.; three years ago his brother, who accompanied him, left him there ; and two years since he was seen, it is believed, in one of the mining camps. From that day, however, nothing has been heard of him, and there is a suspicion that he may have been murdered, or have perished in an accident. It is more probable, however, as he was well known in Canada, having been once a Member of the Legislature, that he had left the country; but everything is uncertain, and we suspect the Boyle family will hear from and of numerous " claimants." One likely place to search is the Argentine Republic, which strongly attracts vigorous men who have not succeeded in our Colonies, and in which an English family name is often discarded for a Spanish form of the Christian name alone.