The Viennese correspondent of the Times adheres to his view
that a quarrel is brewing between Servia and Bulgaria. Diplomatic intercourse between the two States is now practi- cally at an end, an alliance is believed to have been completed between Servia and Montenegro, and the Bulgarian Govern- ment on Monday ordered 40,000,000 of cartridges in Vienna, giving an extra price for speedy delivery. The idea is that the Servian. Premier, who is a soldier, General Gruitch, may, under Russian instigation, endeavour to effect a surprise. That is possible; but Bulgaria has 75,000 good troops, and the Turkish Army in the background, and they have already once defeated the Servians. It is said she has no General ; but there are plenty of soldiers of fortune available, and three Governments who would not dismiss Generals for taking com- mand of a Bulgarian Army. It is impossible to say what may happen in the Balkans, because money weighs so heavily there ; but we incline to think that when the hour arrives, Servia will decide to wait till Russia is ready. It is more comfortable to fight when the big brother has his jacket off.