5 APRIL 1968, Page 8

A hundred years ago

From the 'Spectator'. 4 April 1868—It ought to be an offence for Members of Parliament to end a great division on Friday night. What is the use of Parliament except to furnish materials for the journals? and how are they to be used if they are supplied after the time of going to presi? The debate [on the Irish Church], resumed last night by Mr. Coleridge. whose speech was a model of close logic and persuasive eloquence which attracted universal admiration, was continued by Mr. Stansfeld in an able and vigorous speech. Mr. Disraeli delivered a rambling and disjointed string of jocosities and abstractions, by no means equal to his last Irish speech, which rather wearied the House; and Mr. Gladstone closed in a reply of considerable felicity. The division showed, for Mr. Gladstone's motion. 330; against it, 270. Majority for Mr. Gladstone, 60.