5 APRIL 1975, Page 5

Open lett er Sir: My wife and I would be grateful

if through the courtesy of your columns We might address an open letter to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, to Whom a copy has been sent.

To: His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, DD Your Grace: However regarded, it cannot be denied that the European Community issue is unique in a thousand years of British history, as if in the forthcoming referendum the British people vote to stay in the admittedly politically designed Common Market, their own elected, changeable representatives at Westminster will no longer be able finally to determine where Britain shall trade, what taxes and laws shall be imposed on her, or how her armed forces shall be deployed.

Therefore, unless the British nation renounces all belief in God, it is surely incumbent upon the national Church to seek Divine guidance so that Britons shall arrive at a right decision, "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men;" and we respectfully and publicly request Your Grace to beg Her Majesty the Queen, as Head of the Church of England under God, to order National Day of Prayer. We remain Your Grace's obedient servants, Anna A. Hopkins L. M. Hopkins Wick Crest, Devizes, Wiltshire.