High life
Scandal and sleaze
IWashington DC is cherry blossom time in the nation's capital, as beautiful a city as there is in America, although it's too bad about some of the people who make their living in the place. Take, for example, the numero uno, the Draft Dodger himself. There is no question that he is the sleaziest and most corrupt man ever to live in the White House, a building which, if there was a scintilla of honesty or sense of humour for that matter among the Democrats, should have long ago been painted green and yel- low.
The Clintons started cheating right off the bat by misusing the FBI to harass travel office employees into resigning so Arkansas and Hollywood buddies could get their jobs. When the good guys fought back, the Clintons fired them and filed trumped-up charges of corruption against them. The FBI came in handy time and again. The bureau was used to supply con- fidential files on hundreds of Republicans, as was the IRS to investigate conservative think tanks.
. In the United Kingdom right now we are In the middle of an election campaign with sleaze being the operative word against the Tories. Compared to what the Clinton gang has done to the body politic in the Land of the Depraved, the Tories are Shirley Tem- ple. Talk about Fayed gold. Here you have yellow gold (pun intended) pouring into Democratic coffers in order to influence a presidential election and government poli- cy, and the only cries to be heard are those of the 'professionally defamed' against a National Review cartoon depicting the Clin- tons and Gore as Chinese.
The culture of lies, deception and dishon- esty imported from Arkansas by Bonnie and Clyde Clinton is unprecedented. There has been nothing but scandals from day one. Space prohibits me from listing them, but looking back there has been nothing but scandal and sleaze. As well as criminal- ity. I wonder what a Guardian leader would have to say if a Lebanese fraudster and couple of Chinese arms dealers had non- stop access to John Major and spent count- less nights in 10 Downing Street?
The Washington Post and the Big Bagel Times have finally something to say, only now that the Draft Dodger has his four more years of freeloading. When a few conservatives were screaming fire before the election, they were dismissed by the dominant media culture as kuks and cra- zies. Some kuks. Some crazies.
Up to a dozen conservative groups are being scrutinised by the tax authorities — a practice that began under the Kennedys and only the Wall Street Journal is com- plaining. Where is Newt? I'll tell you. Play- ing the goody-goody and trying to score brownie points with, yes, you guessed it, the dominant liberal media types. It is enough to drive one to crack, a la Washing- ton mayor Marion Barry. A couple of weeks ago, Newt Gingrich was busy warmly receiving a good-looking trained seal by the name of Alec Baldwin. The trained seal, who is married to Kim Basinger, thinks he's something of a policy wonk. These are his words: 'I believe that the people who run the Republican party in this country are really rotten, nasty, horrible human beings. Newt Gingrich is evil .. . '
So what does Gingrich — another war and the football field will be as big as, er . . hero, incidentally — do? Easy. He has him for lunch and listens while the posturing cretin tells him all about the National Endowment for the Arts, and how Newt should save it. The NEA specialises in lav- ishing tax dollars on every sickness and per- version that is, at present, being committed in the name of culture. For example, grants to Holly Hughes to smear chocolate on her body while she shouts obscenities. Another to Robert Mapplethorpe for his porno- graphic child photographs. Let us not for- get 'Piss Christ' by Andres Serrano. I could go on forever. What about the recipient of NEA funding who presented an exhibit featuring the American flag dipped in excrement in a lavatory? Or one Pope L. (sic) who collected $20,000 to walk around the Big Bagel 'wearing a six-foot-long faux penis in order to comment on social stereo- types of the sex organ . '
Needless to say, Newt wimped out Instead of throwing the nincompoop out and telling him to let those who want such culture to pay for it themselves — as they did for 4,000 years prior to the NEA's founding — he sucked up to a man who makes Barbra Streisand seem like Einstein.
See what I mean about some of the peo- ple living here? Not to worry. I also met the best, the last great warrior-hero, Gen- eral John Singlaub, but my dinner with him I'll keep for another time.