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Goodwood Races commenced on Wednesday ; and the running was good, but the company was thin. The Craven Stakes were won by Mr. Day's Drummer, beating Scroggins and Sepoy, after a splendid race. Mr. Wreford's Wisdom won the Drawing-room Stakes, and Mr. Bowes's Comus the Levant Stakes. The chief race was for tbe Goodwood Stakes, for which twenty horses started : they were won by Mr. Forth's Lucifer, after a severe struggle with Mr. Fox's Car. penter and Lord Chesterfield's Hornsea. The winning horses on Thursday were Colonel Peel's Castaway, the Duke of Richmond's Guava, and Lord Chesterfield's Edgar.
Yesterday the races were won by Mr. Rush's Pickwick, Mr. Bowes's Grey Momus, Lord Jersey's Mendicant, Lord Tavistoek's Lyrnessus, and Lord Chesterfield's Carew. None of these races were particu- larly well contested.
The Whigs in Cambridge are giving great annoyance to the Tory
voters, by bringing before the Magistrates such of them as they can
prove to have voted without due qualification. Mr. Parfitt, a shop- keeper, who on being qiitioned by the poll. clerk as to whether he still held the qualification for which he was registered, • d that he did, though he quitted it in May last, was one of the parties ordered to find bail. Mr. Parfitt had premises in the same street, of ample value, but they were not those alluded to in the register. It is all very well that these clauses in the Reform Act should be stringently en- forced : they will then become intolerable, and be got rid of.
The interference of the elections has produced great inconvenience on most of the Circuits, and the postponement of many important causes. Among others, the trial of an action between the Duke of Bedford and Sir M. Lopez, which had excited much interest in De- vonshire, and was to have been tried last week at Exeter, has been put off till next spring.
Mr. Wright, the plaintiff in the great will cause of Tatham and Wright, has entered into sureties to prose, ste an appeal in the House of Lords against the decision of the Jury in favour of Admiral Tatham.