The Poles resident in London have presented an address of con- dolence to Lord Dudley Stuart, on the loss of his election for Arundel. With many expressions of gratitude for his past exertions in their cause, they urge him strongly to offer himself to some other consti- tuency, that the cause of Poland may not be deprived of its steady and disinterested advocate in the British Parliament.
Mr. Penruddock, the young medical student who was convicted in April last, in the Central Criminal Court, of an assault on Mr. Hardy, one of the Examiners at Apothecaries' Hall, and sentenced to a year's imprisonment, has had the remaining portion of his sentence remitted by the Queen, on his entering into sureties to keep the peace. His health bad suffered a good deal from confinement. The connexion. of this young gentleman must be respectable, as Mr. Hindley, M.P., and Mr. Bagsbawe of Wilton Street, were his sureties.
Sir William Symonds, Surveyor of the Navy, was thrown out of his cabriolet in Bruton Street on Monday afternoon, and was taken home with his thigh broken, and a bruise on the arm. He was attended immediately by three surgeons ; but nevertheless, it is said, is likely soon to recover.
Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey received a severe blow on his foot, when entering the hustings at Southwark to return thanks for his election; and he is still so lame from the effects of it that he cannot walk across his room. It is believed that the blow was wilful.
At the Marylebone Office, on Thursday, James Styles was remanded to this day week, on a charge of being connected with a gang of swindlers, who obtain money on checks drawn on different banks, for which checks there are "no effects." The only thing remarkable in these transactions is the apparent facility with which respectable peo- ple are induced to cash the checks of persons of whom they have no knowledge.
At Bow Street, yesterday, John Hall, a clerk in the General Post Office was remanded on a charge of purloining and destroying a letter franked by Lord Bolton, to Mrs. Craven of Buckingham Park, Ando- versford. The offence was committed on Thursday, the day after the law came into operation which made it a felony instead of a misde- meanour.