Sir Francis Sykes has published an extraordinary advertiseuer.
charging his wife, the celebrated Henrietta Sykes, with adultery Maclise the artist, and declaring that he will not henceforth pay by debts ; and Lady Sykes has given notice also in the newspapers, tit she has commenced proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court for n. " restitution of conjugal rights."
Lord Lyndhurst is now in Paris. The Earl of Dundonald has let Hanover Lodge, in the Regeon Park, to a rich East Indian, at a rental of 800/. The Countess asi family intend to pass the winter in the South of France, probably Nits, where the Marquis of Hertford is expected early in November.
The Earl of Kingston is recovering from the mental disorder whi6 has afflicted him, and will be soon able to reside in the splendid mansio. of Kingston Castle.—Limerick Chronicle.
The privilege of franking commenced on Wednesday.
Various contradictory and exaggerated reports are in circulation re. specting the amount of money bequeathed to a certain family of distils. tion, (the Fitzelarences,) and likewise as regards the proportionsie which it is to be distributed among them. We believe time will prevent following to be the authentic statement. The four sons and four dual:. ten s are to receive immediately 2,000/. each, without distinction ; and the interest of 40,0001. is to be annually divided amongst them equally; ra that the individual bequests do not amount to much more than annum, notwithstanding the outcry which has been sometimes raised respecting the appropriation of public money for their use.—Courier,
The Household troops have received orders to discontinue field-das during the summer : there will consequently be no review before th Queen. The Scotch Fusileer Guards march on Monday and Tut:. day next for Bristol, to embark for Dublin, to relieve the First Bi. talion of Grenadier Guards.