5 AUGUST 1837, Page 13


of Yorkshire, the Tory candidate, Mr. WORTLEY, is struggling hard ; but at the close of the poll on Thursday, the first day, he was mere than 500 votes below the lowest Liberal candidate. The numbers Very important elections are now in progress. In the West Riding

were— Lord Morpeth 10,442 Sir George Strickland 10,097 Mr. J. Stuart Wortley 9,348

In North Nottinghamshire, there appears little chance of a Whig victory. The close of the first day's poll showed the following numbers-

Houldsworth 1569 Knight 1451 Foljambe 1204

The returns from East Sussex are very imperfect; but as far as they go, are unfavourable to Mr. CURTEIS ; Mr. DARBY, the Tory candi- date, seems to be considerably ahead of him.

From SCOTLAND there is much interesting intelligence as to the pro- gress of the elections. Mr. Fox IVIatme, we fear, is beaten in Perth- shire. At the close of the first day's ( Wednesday's) poll, Lord STOR- MONT, (whose election would be a disgrace to the vilest rotten borough,) had a majority of 129. The numbers were—

Lord Stormont 1452 Mr. Motile 1303 These numbers are considerably less than those polled on the first day of the last election : a great number of Liberals have kept back.

In Stirlingshire, the contest is very close. At four o'clock on Wed- nesday, the poll stood— Mr. Forbes 740 Colonel Abercromby 731 In Dunbartonshire, Sir JAMES COLQUHOUN had a small majority over Mr. SMOLLETT, the Tory, at the close of the first day's poll-

Colquhoun 418 Smollett 393

There in fair prospect of balancing the probable loss of Perthshire by the gain of Renfrewshirm On the first day there polled—for

Captain Houston 772 Houston Stewart 678

The Whig, Mr. CARMICHAEL, was 28 votes ahead of the Tory can- didate in Peeblesshirc.

In the Ayr Burghs, the result of the contest between Lord JAMES STUART and Mr. JOHNSTON seems to be very doubtful.

None of the contested elections have yet been ended in IRELAND, where the poll may be kept open for five days. The following are the returns of polls in progress.

Armagh Curry Kidd Belfast Tenement ....cr.) Dunbar Gibson imrd Belfast Gurickfergus ....Kith Rennie (T.) (T.) IT.) 116 110 387 352 367 358


170 Galway Lowlonderry Newry ynch Blake Daly Burke Ferguson Dowse° Brady Ellis (T.) Cr.) (T.) (T.) 129 119 50 I 119 113
