A policeman was stabbed, fatally as it is believed, on
Thursday night. The facts of the case were detailed before the Bow Street Magistrate yesterday. Merritt, a baker, went home with a young woman to Brown's Buildings, Clare Market. She would not admit him, however ; and a disturbance so_ suing, a constable was Bent for. Constable Corrie arrived, and the girl proving contumacious, the constable resolved to arrest her. While she went "to put some clothes on," her father, Thomas Sheen, rushed out and stabbed the constable in the head and breast. Corrie found a knife sticking in his breast ; pulled it out, put it in his pocket, and rushed to arrest the father. At this crisis a Sergeant of Police arrived; and Corrie, wounded in the lungs, was taken to the hospital. Prisoner remanded.
A telegraphic despatch from Warrington, dated yesterday, states that "the six o'clock train from Chester to Manchester ran into two salt-wag. gone this evening, near Warrington, and smashed one to pieces. Many passengers were bruised. Mr. Malcolm Ross, Vice-President of the Man- chester Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Morris, of Salford, received severe contusions."