The present week has borne a marked resemblance to its predecessor regarding the difficulties suggested in a prospective view of the value of the Funds, as well as the near similitude in the range of prices. Consols have fluctuated between 921 and 92. The Foreign intelligence has not been of a nature to invite speculative transactions. A tendency to improvement was manifested on Monday, arising from further depression in the Corn-market, the arrival of 350,000/. in specie by the West India packet, the intelligence from the Danube, and the reported capture of the Aland Isles. The market has been since well supplied with Stock, including some heavy sales for the Court of Chancery ; and Consols temporarily descended to 92 on both Wednesday and Thursday. The fall was arrested on 'Thursday by an unexpected proceeding on the part of the Bank of England in lowering the rate of discount from 5i to 5 per cent ; a measure which, it was expected, would be postponed until the result of the harvest had transpired ; but the insreased ease in the Money-market and diminution in the demand for dis- counts are believed to be the chief reasons for the alteration. Consols after- wards rallied to 921 1. The fluctuations this week on the Paris marltet have been trilling, and the rates of exchange from the Continent generally have presented little alteration. Gold is still remitted to Paris in small amounts, but the arrivals furnish more than sufficient for the purpose : 112,0004 arrived on Wednesday from New York, and yesterday gold was received from Australia valued at 170,0001. The exports of specie this week for India, China, Alexandria, and Malta, amount to 202,055/. The average stock of bullion held by the Bank of England in both departments, for the month ending 8th July, was 13,804,0401.; an increase of 1,120,785/. com- pared with the preceding month, but a decrease of 4,725,633/. compared with the some time last year. Today the Funds leave off at yesterday's quotations, after being a shade higher. Consols for Money have fluctuated between 921 and 921, and close at 921 1 and 921 for Account. Exchequer Bonds are 9811. Bank Stock is 1, and Exchequer Bills Is. lower. India Stock has not altered. In Foreign Securities the transactions have been more numerous than of late, and the following have improved—Belgian, Chilian, Dutch Two-and- a-half, Peruvian Four-and-a-half, and Three, Russian Four-and-a-half, and Spenish Three per Cents, 1; Ditto Deferred, I. The two latter stocks have advanced, through the formation of a Ministry at Madrid under Espartero. Mexican Stock has not altered, although the accounts on Monday from that country were favourable. The death of Alvarez had been announced, but doubts were expressed whether this would close the revolution in Guerrero. Mr. Rickards, the newly-appointed representative of the Bondholders, ar- nved in Mexico on the let of July, and had been well received by the Presi- dent. The remittance for the dividend-fund by this packet was 32,841 dol- lars 5 cents from Tampico, and 1134 dollars 23 cents from Vera Cram; also 72,000 dollars from the same place to Colonel Facie for dividends. Besides these sums, the amount deposited in the Bank of England is 71,1761. 98. 9d. Railways have been rather heavy. On Monday an advance of lbs. to 11. 10s. occurred in several instances; and London and North-Western closed Mt 81. Lower prices subsequently prevailed, until the announcement yesterday of the alteration in the Bank rate of discount when they rallied a liWe; and London and North-Western, which had been done at 1041, rose to 1051 f. The difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase—Scottish Central, 1/. ; York and North Midland, 10s.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 58. Decrease— Great Northern, 31.; Great Western, 21. bs.; Aberdeen, 11. 10s. ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 11.; London and North-Western, 15s.; Chester and Holyhead, London and South-Western, and Midland, 10s. The decline in Foreign Shares has been—Rouen and Havre, 108.; Great Western of Cauiada, Ss.; Great Luxembourg, Paris and Lyons, and Paris and Strasbourg, 24. Ssf. The dividend proposed for the London and South-Western is at the rate of 41 per cent per annum ; and it has been agreed to support the bill for f°rming an independent line from Salisbury to eovil. Today the English and Foreign lines are a shade higher.
The English Funds are firm this morning at an improvement of 1, Con- sols being 921 1 for Money and 921 3 for Account. Exchequer Bills are dull at 1 discount to 2 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 149,3531. In Foreign Stock,' there is nothing doing. ,Y,ellways are steady : the present bargains are these—Eastern Union B, 26; Lirent Northern, 87; Ditto A Stock, 701 • London, Brighton, and South bst, 106 ; London and North-Western, 1051 ; York and North Midlan , unt. The English Funds have improved 1 since the morning, through purchases, and Consols are strong at 923 1 for Money and 921 3 for Account. Exchequer Bills 1 discount to 2 premium. In Foreign Stocks no change has occurred. Equador has been done at 3/, Granada Bonds 16, Ditto Deferred 6, Spanish Certificates 5k 4/ 5, Venezuela 25, and Deferred Ditto at 10. Railways leave oft rather higher : these are the latest transactions— Amber ate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 53; Eastern Counties, 131; Eastern Union, B Stock, 26; East Lancashire, 67; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Si; Great Northern, 861; Ditto A Stock, 70; Ditto B Stock, 126; Lancaster and Carlisle Thirds, 12 pm. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 69; London and Blackwell, si ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1061; London and North-Western, 1051; London and S.aith-Western, 851; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 241; Midland, 683; Midland, Birming- ham, and Derby, 391; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 331 ; Shrews- bury and Birmingham, 71; South-Eastern 651; Vale of Neatb, l91; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 751; York and North Midland, 57; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1161; North British, 105; Great Western of Canada Bonds payable 1873 without option, 991. Mine—Brazilian Imperial, (issued at 51.
prem.,) 33. Banks—Oriental Bank Corporation, 46; Union of London, 231. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 44; Crystal Palace, 43; Peel River Land and Mineral, 41.
3 per Cent Consols 92 1 Danish 3 per Cents 75 80 Ditto for Account 92 3 Dutch 21 per Cents 60 2 8 per Cent Reduced 921 3 Ditto 4 per Cents 91 3 31 per Cents
1 Mexican 3 per Cents 241 1 Loug Annuities
Peruvian 41 per Cents 67 9 Bank Stock 209 11 Ditto 3 per Cents 51 3 Exchequer Bills 1 dis. 2 pm.
Portuguese 4 per Cents
39 41 India Stock
223 5
Russian 5 per Cents 97 9 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 3 Ditto 41 per Cents 82 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 38 9 Belgian 41 per Cents 90 2 Ditto Deferred 181 191 Chilian 6 per Cents
103 5
Sardinian 5 per Cents 84 6
Danish 5 per Cents
3 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 6
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 0th 'Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending as Saturday, the 29th day of July 1851. 1811r. DEF■87118117.
Notes issued £26,771,780 Government Debt S11.011,1t0
Other Securities 2,984.050
Gold Coin and Bullion 12,771,700
Silver Bullion
545 55
Proprietors' Capital £11,333,000 Government Securities.
Rest 3,335,739
cludt g Dead Weightannuity) F11,776.363
Public Deposits' 2,3o2,361
Othe Securities 13,610,093
Other Deposits 11,124,260 Notes 6,257,06o Seven Day and other Bills 1,039,720 Gold and Silver Coln 713,544 E32,353,180 E32,355,090
• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, CommissionersofNatIonal Debt, & Dividend Acct,