The St. James ' s closed its doors on Wednesday night, after
Madame Marie Cabal, as the Fille du Regiment, had made her parting curtsey to the audience. This young lady is a very pleasing and attractive performer, and every one who has seen and heard her must desire to see and hear her again; but when she revisits us we hope she will do it under better auspices. The "Opera Comique" at the St. James's this season has been very unlike the entertainment of that kind carried on for several seasons by Mr. Mitchell. His performances were of a very supe- rior class; we had the stars of the Paris Opera Comique, and the best pieces belonging to the repertoire of that elegant theatre. This season we have had only the company of a Parisian minor theatre, brought over on a speculation of its manager, with which Mr. Mitchell had nothing to do,—a company, with the exception of Madame Cabe], consisting of mid- dling actors and mere vaudeville singers, who have not left behind them even the memory of their names.