Tuesday, August 1.
Paaviernsimes Drosotvina.-W. 11. and J. S. Carlin, Gracechurch Street, tobacco- nists-Bradbeer and Son, Lowestoft, sail-makers-Hope and Co. Bucklow Hill, Kuutsford, Cheshire, schoolmistresses ; as far as regards E. Hope-Davies and Ed- wards, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, mercers-Peace and Co. Sheffield, saw-manu- facturers-Snow and Byers, Coundon Gate, Bishop Auckland-Peachey and Co. West Tarring, Sussex, farmers ; as far as regards IL Peachey-W. B. and A. Row. lands, Regent Street, jewellers-J. and J. C. Peters, Cambridge, silversmiths- Heade and Co. Cannon Street West, railway-spring-manufacturere- Gardner and Timothy, Shad Thames, wharfiugers-Tuckett and Southcombe, Bath, grocers- Ellis and Son. Exeter, goldsmiths-J. and W. Yates, BIrstrd, machine-makers-R Johnson and R. Johnson jun. Hull, engravers-Dulson and Williams, Liverpool, cart-owners-J. afid R. Sharrw, GougljSqUare,..tallle,knifw.utelera-Jppea, and cm Minaliester, ind -1Plaida,*-K 'ffithdckestdr lelVailerichantlt-1 Horne and Co. Newgate Street, opticians; as far as rdgirds P.. 0. Wood. ,• BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.—BENNETr • KLFRIZIL and HENRT iftnerinwri BURTON, John's Place, Holland Street, Southwark, engineers. BANRRUpTS.—WILLIAM MATTHEWS, CottagerIld, Harrow BONI, blinder, to Sur- render Aug. 9, Sept. 9: solicitors, Leelnd Pemberton, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Semliki. Armoire, Culhun Street, merchant, Aug. 15, Sept. 9: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; official assignee, Lee; Moorgate Street-Simos Srow Brix-mom, Blackmare, Iugatestone Essex, inaltster, Aug. 14, Sent. 8: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry.Cbamb‘rs; official assignee, Whit- more, Basingliall Street,-GEoaos: Hawse, Mortimer Iload, Kingsland, victitaller, Aug. 10, Sept. 8: solicitor, Crouch, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Whitmore, Ba- sing,hall Street-FREDERICK SMITH, Standon; Ware, miller, Aug. 14, Sept. 7: soli- citors, Coles, Adelphi Terrace ; Fosters, Cambridge; official assignee, Cannan M- derreatibury-CoamEmus GIBBS. Thorodon, Suffolk, innkeeper, Aug. 14, Sept.i 8: solicitor, Litton, Noble Street ; official assignee, Whitntorn, Basiughall Street-PETER TAYLOR, Manchester, millwright, Aug. 15, Sept. 5: solicitor, Gartside, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester -Heou HART, Huluie, timber-merchant, Au. 22, Sept. 12: solicitor, Blair, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-Wit.- mem MAKIN jun. Manchester, provision-dealer, Aug. 14, Sept. 4: solicitors, Bower and Son, Chancery Lane; Hall and Janice', Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-JOHN SELLICK, Bristol, paper-maker, Aug. 14, Sept. 12: solicitors, Crosby, Bristol; Jay, Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-HENRY SWIRE and JOHN Locxwoon, Shepley, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers, Aug. 15, Sept. II: solicitors, Rawson and Co. Bradford ; BondEnd Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds —JOSEPU SMITHSON, Mirfield, Yorkshire, corn-miller, Aug. 15, Sept. 12: solicitors, Stocks and Co. Halifax ; Bond and Barwick. Leeds; official as- signee, Hope, Leeds-Thomas ROBINSON, Ilexharn, Northumberland, cunier, Aug. 9, Sept. 13: solicitors, \Telford, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Marie and Co. Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Rm.:ay BROWNErr, Liverpool, merchant, Aug. 11, Sept. 1: solicitors, Cornthwaite, London ; Pember- ton, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-WiLmAm ATUERTON, Liver- pool, merchant, Aug. 14, Sept. 5: solicitors, Mason and Pritt, Liverpool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.—Aug. 23, Hopewell and Thacker, Leadenhall Street, outfitters-Aug. 29, Sweet, Tunbridge Wells, seedsman-Aug. 31, Gribbell and Luscombe, Tavis- tock, grocers-Aug. 31, Risden Caraborne, Cornwall, mercer-Aug. 31, Thyone, Tavistock, dealer in musical-instruments-Aug. 31, Ridge, Exeter, tailor-Aug. 31, Julian, Exeter, coal-dealer-Aug. 31, Besley, Tiverton, grocer-Aug. 31, Sims, Red- ruth, linen-draper-Aug. 24, Steens, Coventry, riband-manufacturer-Aug. 23, Beckett, Liverpool, corner-Aug. 24, Casson, Liverpool, coach-builder. CEarineAre.s.-ih le granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nweting.—Aug. 24, Steele, Norland Road, Notting Hill, victualler-Aug. 23, Bul- lock, Conduit Street, chemist-Aug. 23, Holden jun. Horsham, ironmonger-Aug. 23,13ubeer, Holborn Hill, fancy-warehousennan-Aug.:23, Green, Northampton, car- penter-Aug. 22, Stevens, Pall Mall, bill-broker-Aug44, Duroni, lenchurch Street, merchant-Aug. 24, Cooper, Liverpool, ironmonger--Aug. 24, Besley, Tiverton, grocer-Aug. 23, Barnsley, Ashton-under-Lyne, tailor-Aug. 22, Ashley, Manches- ter, smallware-manufacturer -Aug. 23, Worrell, Bolton, manufacturer-Sept. 7, Anstey and Walton, Birmingham, drapers-Sept. 19, Taylor, Leicester, hosier-Aug. 23, Ilewson, Louth, innkeeper. DEeLARArioNs OF DIVIDENVS.—Harris, West Wycombe, chair-manufacturer, first div. of Sr. Aug. 3, and three following Thursdays • Stansfeld, Easinghall Street -Scrivener, Old Change, milliner ; first div. of 20:Aug. 3, and three following Thursdays; &andel& Basinglmll street-Cooper, Three Colt Street, Limeliouse, oilman; first div. of 6s. Aug. 3, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basing- ball Street-Cooke, Albert Terrace, Bow, miller; first div. of 6s. (on new proofs), Aug. 3, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basingliall Street-Shaw, Bir- mingham, pocketbook-maker; first div, of as. 8d. any Thursday; Christie, Birming- bara-Booth, Bishopwearmouth, shipowner ; div. of 5s. to those creditors who have not previously received any dividend, and a further div. of 5s. 2d. any Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Joyce, Bolton-le-Moors, bookseller; first die, of bs. 10d. on Tuesday, Aug. 15, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pott, Manchester- Denbigh, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstapler ; first div. of 4d. any day; Young, Leeds-Wigney, Huddersfield, wine-nierchant; first div. of Is, soy day ; Young, Leeds-Roebuck and Sons. Holmfirth, Woollen-urauutacturers ; first die, of gd. any day; Young, Leeds-Blackburn, Leeds, iron-founder; first div. of 20s. on the sepa- rate estate, any day; Young, Leeds-Broadbent, Halifax, draPer ; third div. of ljd. any day; Young, Leeds-Stiebel, Leeds, iron-founder ; first dlr. of 5s, any day ; 'Young. Leeds-King, To, k, manufacturer of paper-baugings ; first div. of 23. any day ; Young, Leeds-Shore, Sheffield, banker ; second div. of 5$. on the separate estate; Young, Sheffield-Jeffryes and Meek, Liverpool; merchants; second div. of 2d. any Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool-Shannon, Liverpool, linen-draper; first div. of 2i..6d. any Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. - Hamilton, Ediuburgh, signet-hall-keeper, Aug. 11- Turnbull, Glasgow, miller, Aug. 8-Anderson and Murphy. Glasgow, sewed-muslin- manufacturers, Aug.. 14-Somerville, Glasgow, hosier, Aug. 11-Dunlop, Ayton, Berwickshire, draper, Aug. 12.
_Friday, August 4. Pawnsmiswies DISSOLVED.—Brown and Co. Penistone, quarrymen; as-far as regards W. Rushy and G. Brown-Brown and Co. Bankside, quarrymen; as far as regards J. Brown-Booth and Tindall, Portland Terrace, Itea'vot's Park, auctioneers-Curry and Statham. Liverpool, attornies-Lancashire and learn, Derby, manufacturers- Thomas and Sowden, Camelford, Cornwall, drapers-Hughes and Shaw, proprietors of the Kingsland, Balaton, and De Beauvoir Town Literary and Scientific Institution and Baths -Shew and Co. Salisbury Street, Strand, wine-merchants-Smith and Co. Halifax, lineu-drapers-Sidney and Garrow, Liverpool, silk-mercers; as far as regards J. D. Garrow-Pattison and Co. Birmingham, confectioners ; as far as regards J. and L. Shackell-Antil and Co. Portsmouth, wine-merchants-Brookes anti Wragg, Nottingham, machine-holders-West and Shaw, Leeds, whitesmiths- Wall and Co. Enshain, Oxfordshire, rope-makers-Genge and Lovibond, East Chin- nock, Somerseteldre, sailcloth-manufacturers-Parlane and Co. Liverpool, sugar- refiners-Inch and Pike. Bristol, decorative artists- Mackinson and Co. Wigan- Bury and Co. Salford, silk-dyers-Verall and Son, Lewes, auctioneers-Cowen jun. and Mitchell, Nottingham, lace-pattern-designers-Pollard and Stockwin, Birming- ham; Manufacturers of fenders-Willmott and Woodnue, Spalding, tailors-Sinkins and May, lrome, linen-drapers-C. and A. Watling and Co. Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell, bent-timber-rnanufacturers-Gibbons and Burlton, Ellesnaere, Salop, greMers-Smith and Dickinson, Derby, whitesmiths-F. B. and P. It. Goldney, St. Paul's Churchyard, lace-merchants-Milns and Meyrick, Tunbridge, linen-drapers- Roberta and Taylor, Gloucester, grocers-H. B., G. H., and H. B. Lee, Liverpool, straw-plait-dealers -Prebn and Co. New Orleans and Clegg and Co. Liverpool, merchants. ILLNKRuFrcY ANNULLED.—JOnn WILLIAMS, Plymouth, dealer in Berlin wools.
BANitaurrs.-CitARLs.s STAPLES and JOHN COLLYER, Southampton, ship-plumbers, to surrender Aug. 14, Sept. 8; solicitors, Tippetts and Son, Sine Lane ; official as- signee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-JAMES HENRY Islamise, St. Helen's Place, merchant, Aug. 17, Sept. 14: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-NATUAN JACOIS CALISHER, Norfolk Street, Strand, jeweller, Aug. 17, Sept. 7: solicitor, Sydney, Pnsbury Circus ; official as- signee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-BENEDEpro BEastAscomi, Red Lion Street, Clerken- well, looking-glass-frame-manufacturer, Aug. 17, Sept. 14: solicitor, Roscoe, King Street, Finsbury Square; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-TirosiAs Box- DEN and JOSEPH EDWARD MANSFORD, OUlluM Street, merchants, August 15, Sept. 19: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers • officird assignee, Lee, aloorgate Street-J emus CALISBER, Norfolk Street, Stiand, jeweller, Aug. 15, Sept. 19: solicitor, Sydney, Finsbury Circus; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- JoHN HOWARD, Norwich, butcher, Aug. 15, Sept. 19: solicitors, Jay, Bucklers- bury; Jay and Pilgrim, Norwich; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-JAMES W11011E11. ALDRIDGE, 'Witham, Essex, corn-merchant, Aug. 15, Sept. 19: solicitors, Stevens and Satchell, Queen Street, Cheapside ; Banks and Stevens, Witham, Essex ; official assignee, Edwards, Sanabrook Court-Wititam BULLOCK, Warwick, iron- monger, Aug. 14, Sept. 4: solicitors, Nicks, Warwick; Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Semen. HAM-MOND, Leeds, flax-spinner, Aug. 22, Sept. 26: solicitors, Richardson and Gaunt, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds -JOHN HOLLAND OATES, Halifax, Yorkshire, painter, Aug. 21, Sept. 22: soli- citors, Wavell and Co. Halifax; official assignee, Young, Leeds-RonEirr MASON, Manchester, stationer, Aug. 16, Sept. 6: solicitors, Atkinson and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester-JouN MILLIOAN, Manchester, draper, Aug. 14. Sept. 5: solicitors, Cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester,
DivIDENns.-Aug. 25, Withers, Oxford, chemist -Aug. 25, Williams and Warbreck, Liverpool, chemists-Aug. 29, Lockett, Manchester, merchant-Aug. 29, Collins, Clitheroe, provision-dealer.
°Mg.-14. -26,1Xtel la a 84 It4 %tart Aug: t8, laY,It°n the aal vP001, currier
-Aug.-29; Clayborn, 'Man hester, builder. , •
• Dzenstiarious fn.+ DiViimans.—liolfc and MOOTS; Saukville Street, tailors; second div. of its, on the 7th instant, and the following Monday ; Cantran Aldermanbury- HutChings,' Park Street, Westminster, .,railivay-cOntractor ; first :die: of 5$. 6d. the 7tli instant, and the following Monday; Cannan, AlderinanbiarsrAchley. cokman Street, Camberwell, victualler ; first div. of 73. 9d. the 7th instant, and the follorvin, Monday; Owlet!, Aidenirianbury,-AA'hitelread, Fleet Street, printer ; fourth div. IS, On Wednesday next, (skid following Wednesday; Edwards; Sambrook Court- ShearkWitham, miller ; first div. of 2s. Id. Aug. 9; Lee Moorgate Street-Neor, bou)dinti.Sheffield, merchant; fourth'and final tits': of 5-ltd. Aug. 9; Lee, Moorgate Street-Bishop,. !,'ere Street: Oxford Street, hotel-keeper; first div. of &(4. Aug 9; Lee, Moorgate Street-Jones, East Ilsley, surgeon; first div. of Is. 3d. Aug. 9; iee, Moorgate Street-Lewty, Wilden, Partridge, Ifirminghani, and Lewty, Stourport, tinplate-workers ; first div. of 4s. on the jOint estate; first div. of 10r. on the private estate of E. Lewty ; and first div, of 2a. 6d.. on the separate estate of J. W. Lewe.
Aug. 17, and every alternate Thursday; Bittleston, Birmingham. • •
Scorch SEquEsinarnams.-Gratrix, Glasgow, dyer, Aug. 15-Johnstone, Dumfries, bookseller, 14-Mitchell,. Paisley, dyer, Aug. 17,Curtie.and Madden, Grand. holm Works, Aug.-Aberdeen, fiax-spinners, Aug, 15Beenett„ Kelso,- cabinet-maker, Aug. 14-Ross, Glasgow, marble-cutter,.Aug. 18.; . . .