The universal extension and increasing mortality of the cholera remind
us that higher laws are not suspended for the convenience of man. War possesses this broad region and that—peace rules here and there—one portion of the world is flourishing, another is ruined ; but, without any respect for human arrangements, or political distribution of territories, the cholera prevails over all— crosses the path of armies and of navies, and scourges the invader or the rescuer. The same malady that cut off the songstress Son. tag in Mexico, that drove back our ships from the shores of Cron. stadt, now rages in the Pirtens ; the French hospital suffering severely, a,nd the English soldiers not escaping. It is in Con- stantinople, and has appeared at Malta ; it is settled at Varna and Smyrna; it is ravaging Italy. Florence "the Fair" is stricken not less than commercial Leghorn; and Genoa "the Superb "-- from whose streets of palaces, or narrow alleys of great mansions, those fly who can during summer—is a hotbed for the pestilence. In our own metropolis, the deaths by cholera rose last week from 26 to 133.