- Bastes- -- Australasian 541 621 British North Aramaean 581 Colonial 121 Commercial of London 87 Landau and Westminster 391 ex ii.
97 London Char of Australia 20j
77 London Joint Stock - National of Ireland 681 National Provincial 90' Provincial of Ireland 061ex d. Union of Australia 8/ 17nionsif Loudon 1054 ,Iii.nots' 671 Brazilian Imperial - Ditto (St. John del Rey) 31 Cobre Copper 321 Colonial Gold ' 95 Nouveau Monde 651 Mitscituaissous- 551 Australian Agricultural 76 Canada 54 Crystal Palace General Steam 120 Peel River Land and Mineral . • 1051 Peninsular and Oriental Sterna • 83 end. Royal Mail Steam 114 South Australian BULLION. ` Per oz. ' METALS.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard .... LI 17 9 Copper,British Cakese126 0 Foreign GoldinCoin,Fortugal Pieces o 0 0 iron, Welsh liars 0 0 New Dollars 0 0 0 Lead, British Pig 22 10 Silver iu Bars, Standard 0 5 II Steel, Swidish Keg... 20 0
BRAIN, Hark Lane, Aug, 4,
Wheat,B.New 0 tn 0 Rye e to 0 -365916..... 42 to 47 Fine 0- 0 Barley 21-as White .... 48-52 Old 51-59 Malting .. 34-36 Boilers .., 50 -51
White 15-62 Matt, tied... 66-70 -Beans; T1eRs. 42-47 Fine 04-TO 1 Fine '0 .'72 Old ., 46 —53 Super. New. 0-0 Peas, Hog .. 38-05" Indian teurit 31-SO
WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending July 29. Wheat 69,, 81. I Rye 431. Sd.
Barley ..... 36 3 Beaus :77
Oats ._ 29 10 Peas PR.OVISIONS.
Butter-nest Fresh, 13s. 0.1. per dos. Carlow, Si 12s. to it 14.. per owl. _
Bacon, 'lash per cat. 72s. to .5. Cheese, Cheshire 36 - 20 Derby Plain 60 - 06 llama, York 74 - 81
Eggs, French, per 120, 0a. Od. to 01. td.
sap Lzanzansts.. SMITH; xELD.•
/17,1D 07 C7171.11 Al
s. d. S. d. s. d.
d. 0. d. s. d.
Beef,. 3 4 to 2 to 4 6 3 2 to 4 10 to 5 0' Friday. Moedal.
Matron. 3 veal.. 3 Fork.. 3 6 - 2 - 4 9-4 u - 4 0 - 4 0 - 4 6 6 .... I 3 4 0 - 4 6 - 4 0 - 4
8 — 5
8 - 5 6 - 4
0 ,
0 ' 8
Besets. 773
Sheep .13,810
Calves. 453
31,700 313 Lamb .. 4 4 - 5 0-i 4 .... 4
8 - 5 0-5
Pigs... 245 420
• To si u. C Minolta. tier 825.
Down and halt-bred Hogs per lb.
Ho• 00 04. Wolter and Ewe 15 - Ili Leicester nugget and Wether..• • III - 0 . _ 0 Skin Combins• 10
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 86 TrusSes.)
Cex eraLaND. linvenrsats. Warrsonarldt.
Hay, Good 99s. to 1120. - 90.5. to.95s 90s. 00152g. ' Inferior 60 90 60 -- 70 0 - New 65 - 86 0 - 0 Clover
180 -130 ... a ....... 110 -113 181 ---1.12:
Wheat Straw 38 45 70 - 40
fm, Pouchong, fine, per lb.. Ir. 21. to 2, 6,1. Conguu, tee 1 ,1 - 1 10 Pekoe, flowery I 4 - 3 8
• in Bond-Duty 1,61. per lb. Cares, tine (in bond) cwt. 62s. 6d. to 95t• td Good Ordinary 46, - 48. ""' Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt.- 21s.
West ledla Molasses 16,64. to Ids 0°. 99/ 921 1/21 931 41 2101 1 Pm. 3 pm. 241 101 IS 1•31 1,51 1.5y
4/ BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Sabred. 1.510edap.. Tssesday.iirsdnes. Thurs.
924 0n 921 aa 91 225
1 db. 92i 924 921 931 212
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 214. per darns India Bonds 4 per Cent Sat I 92/ ' 92 925 I 924 921 . 931 921 92/
93 93 ,4,1 si 21411 : 2091
3pm., I par I par - - 1 - FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Mexican 3 p.Ct Mississippi 6 -- New York 5 - Poruvian 41 Portuguese 5 Ditto. 3 - Russian 6 - Ditto 41
Sardinian 9 --
Spanish 3
Ditto New Deferred ..... -3 -
Ditto (Passive) Venezuela 31 - (Last Official Quotation SHARES.
during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian
Belgian i.4.i
Ditto '21 57u. CL. _ - - - - Brazilian 5 - 100 Buenos Ayres 6 - 55 Chili= 6 - -- Danish 5 - Ditto
3 -
76 Dutch (llx. 12 Guilders) -21 - 604 Ditto 4 - 92/ French 3 - - Ditto 41 - 99f.
Massachusetts(Sterling) .5 - -
llristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northers Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hun and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle
London, Brighton, St South Coast 1
London and htlaeksqll,., London and North-weldefil Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British Oxford, Won and Wolverhampton Scottish Central south-eastern and Dover London and South-western
York, Newcastle, and Berwick._ York and North Midland . . .... .; Does,-
East and West India London St. Katherine Victoria, 27 end.
191 68 ex 4. Mica 4.
47 441 91 41 23 65
Ii is
51 311 Per On.
O 0 0 9
O 000 0 .. 23 5 0 0 .. II 0 0 I. I. oats, Feed,. 26076 Fine .. 28-9 Poland ... 28- " Fine 29-30 Potato 30-2 Fine .. 33-31
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat- 74s. 84. Rye 48s. 104.
Barley.... 36 10 Beans 48 11 Gate ...... 30 3 Peas 4.6 11 FLOUR.
Town-made ' per sack 56s. to 63,
Seconds 65 - 55) Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 41 - 48 Norfolk and Stockton 44 - 45 American ...... ..per barrel 20 — 33 Canadian 30 - 35
Bread, 714. to 9d. the 41b loaf.
Kent Pockets Choice ditto Sussex ditto Farnham dittb
OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil parcwt. f2 2 0 Refined 2 4 6 Linseed Oil 1 15 0 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 13 0 0 Candies. per dozen Os. Od. to Os. Od. Moulds, per dozen - 0s. 04. to Os. Od.
Coals, Bettor' 21s. 5'. Tees 21s. 53.