Clause 26 in the Bill, which provides that all expenses
at an election not included in the public return shall be deemed corrupt expenses, perhaps the malt effective proposal ever made to check
bribery, was also lost by 181 to 81, the Government this time voting with the majority. Mr. Forster promised to add the clause to the Corrupt Practices Prevention Bill, which must be renewed next year ; but the Left • wituted it now, so that it would, tell in the event of a dissolution. Mr. Fawcett almost threatened to oppose the•ballot if the clause were thrown out ; but it was all of no use, and the question was left over for next year, possibly with results the millionaires will not like. They may fall into Mr. Disraeli's hands, who hates some things rather hard, and money-bag members hardest of all. With household suffrage it is quite possible for a Government to hit that class very hard indeed, without in any way alienating the constituencies.