5 AUGUST 1871, Page 2

We give elsewhere an account of the campaign opened by

the German Government against the Papacy. In addition to the facts there given, it is stated that the Austrian Chancellor, Count Beust, is in hearty accord with Prince Bismarck upon this matter, and that the Swiss Republic has declared absolutely against the dogma of Infallibility. The Republic, which is always decided in its action, has prohibited the publication of the dogma, and has ordered that any teacher in any State establishment who teaches it shall be dismissed for breach of the law. This order has in one case been carried out. So high is the agitation rising, that the Pope has explained that he claims no power over Governments under the dogma ; but only as Vicar-General of Christ, and that this power it was not his intention to use, Our readers will gain a clearer account of the danger to the Papacy in Germany from Father Dalgairns' article on Infallibility, extracted elsewhere, than from any words of ours. If Bismarck could win one Bishop there would be a great schism, and there are a good many Bishops in Germany.