5 AUGUST 1882, Page 1

The Conference was interrupted for a time, during the past

week, by the temporary withdrawal of M. Onou, the Russian representative, who declared that he needed fresh instructions. But he has since returned to the Conference,—at the request, it is said, and perhaps more or less in the interest, of Turkey, whose right to intervene in Egypt as the suzerain Power, the Russian Foreign Office defends. No doubt, there is some intention of playing off on Great Britain now the part which Great Britain, under Lord Beaconsfield, played off on Russia in 1878. However, according to Sir Charles Dilke, all the Powers have decided that Turkey shall proclaim Arabi Pasha a rebel before landing troops ; and though Turkey herself only speaks of three Powers who have done so, Turkey is probably sheltering herself under some technical distinction. On the whole, the Conference, though by no means willing to strengthen over- much the hands of England, are obviously not ill-disposed to her Egyptian enterprise.