Two by-elections have been held since our last issue. The
vacancy in South-west Bethnal Green, caused by the appointment of Mr. Pickeragill to a Metropolitan Police magistrateship, has been filled by the return of Mr. Masterman. Polling took place on Saturday, and the figures, which were announced at 10 p.m., were as follows :—Mr. C. F. G. Masterman (L), 2,745; Mr. E. Hoffgaard (U), 2,561; Mr. John Scnrr (Socialist), 134. Compared with the last election (December, 1910), we find that while the total poll was 452 larger, the Liberal majority shows a decrease of 498, and the Unionist vote an increase of 475. In the Middleton Division cf Lancashire Sir W. Ryland Adkins, who sought re-election on his appointment as Recorder of Nottingham, held his seat on Wednesday by a majority of 411, a decrease of 376 as compared with December last. The figures were Sir W. R. D. Adkins (L) 6,863, Professor Hewins (II) 6,41,2.