SIR,—The article College and Industry, by B. R. 0. Bell, on the Under- graduate Page in the Spectator of July 8th, and the letters to which it has given rise in the Spectator of July 22nd, encourage me to mention the attractions for university graduates of work in this organisation. We intend to take in each year about half a dozen men and women direct from universities and give them training for a period of two years, during which time they will have an opportunity of seeing the principal activities of the partnership and of developing in themselves the qualities which we deem necessary for their future career. Copies of our prospectus have been sent to the Appointments Boards of all universities and university colleges in the United Kingdom, and any undergraduate who is interested will be able to see one there.—Yours faithfully, for JOHN LEWIS & COMPANY, LimrrEn. A. E. PORTER, Oxford Street, W.i. Director of Personnel.