1 You're in clover, like as not! (6)
4 The art of pilfering at the card-table? (8)
9 What Phyllis never fails to do (6).
10 'I would hate that death —my eyes,' declared Browning (8).
12 It looks like an announcement from the pulpit, very flowery (8).
13 'My new-cut — takes the light' (Kipling) (6).
15 Kate's hiding in the wood (4).
16 The dwarf employe takes time to get round (6, 4).
19 Sailors who would obviously be better employed as gardeners (10).
20 Melissa, how fragrant you are! (4) 23 A peer in France (6).
25 Retrograde art in turps; repress it (8).
27 Show-down by the photographer? (8)
28 Two can play at this but it needs practice (6).
29 No danger if it's only peas (8).
30 He's evidently lost his Trail!! (6)
1 Put a stop to the snake; certainly not in the grass! (7)
2 Delicious breeze for Myrtle (9).
3 'A wastin' Christian — on an 'eathen idol's foot' (Kipling) (6).
5 Hard cash in Spain (4).
6 Venerable chaps, these (8).
7 A girl provides the potter with his clay (5).
$ Red nude (anag.) (7).
Il Is missing for a finger (7).
14 Century in a county (7).
17 A research star in the mineral world (9).
18 Come, in Phoebus, for a low story! (8)
19 Stag rampant about a decoration shows red legs (7).
21 Scotchman immediately arriving in the rain (7).
22 Buster busted for a cartoonist (6), 24 Slip shouldn't be guilty of it (5). 26 Bird for a farthing (4).
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a hook token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on August 16 and addressed: Crossword No. 846, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.