5 AUGUST 1995, Page 24

What a hoot!

Sir: Tald's honking Greeks (High life, 27 May) brings back a delightful memory. Some years ago, I was walking along a deserted road on Mount Hymettus — 'The Japanese have got a lot to answer for.' deserted except for a teenager on a low- powered motorcycle who was heading towards me. I knew with total certainty that he would honk at me to remind me of my inferior status on the great chain of being. Just before I estimated that he would do this, I emitted a loud `parp-parp' of my own.

The effect was dramatic. The youth wob- bled, rode around me in an incredulous cir- cle, honked, and rode back from whence he had just come, perhaps to tell his folks about the sin against men and nature com- mitted by a crazy foreigner.

Peter Roland 17 Cedar Road, Hampton Wick, Kingston, Surrey