A Constantinople letter of the 11th November says that the
effect produced in that capital by the fall of Acre has been immense. The money f,iind there is stated to be 2,500,00o Turkish piastres, or about 1,300,00nn francs.
The ih,rning Chronicle gives the following extract of a letter from Alexandria, of the I Ith November- " The troops under orders fur Syria have all been countermanded. Orders were sent off last night to countermand a levy of Bedouins and Fellahs in the interior, commanded a few days since ; and the Prialm told some of the Consuls this morning, it was his intention to restore immediately the Turkish fleet, and send a note to the Allks that he would COntent himself with the sucees,ion of Egypt. Upon this matter a grand council is now sitting ; and I have no doubt that it will not fail to approve of the Pasha's decision to terminate the Egyptian question by submission."